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Funders and Partners


CAMC’s portfolio of external funding recognises the vitality of our collaborative research partnerships as well as the excellence and innovation of individual research agendas within the Centre. We have a strong track-record of securing UK and European funding.

Our large-scale, multi-disciplinary and collaborative projects have been supported by international funders, including European Commission Horizon Europe, and Horizon2020 and in the UK by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, National Institute for Health Research and Innovate UK. Individual projects have attracted funding from the Leverhulme Trust, the Paul Mellon Centre, and Arts Council England. Sponsored residencies and fellowships regularly provide staff and postgraduate researchers with international research mobility opportunities.

The Abbeyfield Research Foundation

British Council Logo

Leverhume Trust logo

National Institute for Health Research

Royal Historical Society logo.

SOAS University of London logo

Arts and Humanities Research Council

Erasmus logo.

konink logo

Nuffield Foundation Logo.

Royal Society of Arts

UK Research and Innovation logo.

Arts Council England logo.

Horizon Logo.

Midlands 4 Cities logo.

Paul Mellon Centre logo.


Sheffield Children's NHS logo.

British Academy logo.

Hosking Houses Trust

NIHR logo.

The Renaissance Society of America.

Sheffield Hospitals Charity logo.


Our research has a global reach, with partners throughout the UK and across Europe and North America. Our collaborations with international partners have been supported by awards including Horizon2020, Leverhulme Research Fellowships, British Academy fellowships and AHRC networking grants. We are consortium members of the AHRC Midlands Four Cities (M4C) Doctoral Training Programme, which brings talented PhD students into the Centre.

Map and locations of strategic partners

Partner Map

CAMC collaborates with a whole host of partners across the globe, from universities, to museums and healthcare trusts. Find out more and download our map.

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023