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Centre for Future Transport and Cities

Our research in future transport and cities is at the forefront of mobility innovation in a rapidly changing technology-enabled world.

We see major disruption in the transport sector due to the imminent arrival of future technology such as connected and automated mobility. As a result of this, the way in which people, goods and services move is changing dramatically and we are guiding that change.

Person charging their electric vehicle

Boosting the home charging of electric vehicles

Coventry University is set to play a key role in accelerating the city’s electric vehicle revolution as part of a new project examining the barriers to home charging.


Our National Centre for Accessible Transport (ncat) aims to make transport accessible for all by providing people-centred evidence, insights and solutions that inform policy, influence investment and address barriers faced by disabled people across the UK.

Find out more
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 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023