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Centre for Care Excellence

We welcome you to the Centre for Care Excellence, a collaborative partnership between Coventry University and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW). CCE is a unique and important development for patients, service users and families, and for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals (NMAHPs). Its aim is to empower staff at every level to be able to develop ideas to make ‘patient first’ improvements in care by creating new evidence for best practice, and sharing knowledge and expertise.

Paramedic students wearing protective equipment treating a mock casualty in a simulated ambulance

Research could support paramedics treating casualties

Groundbreaking Coventry University research could provide paramedics with crucial and potentially life-saving assistance when treating pedestrians hurt in road accidents.

About CCE

Discover more about the Centre for Care Excellence and our UHCW collaborators

We are working with leading regional practitioners to develop new solutions for enhancing stakeholder care across the UK.

Read the video transcript.

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University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023