This project aimed to identify areas of good practice, service innovation and whole system thinking within falls prevention and response service delivery across the region, involving practitioners to evaluate practice and highlight best practice service delivery.
The Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR - Coventry University) and the Institute of British - Irish Studies (IBIS- University College Dublin), supported by North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)'s Science for Peace and Security Programme, will convene a two–day expert Advanced Research Workshop entitled ‘National Action Plans (NAPs) on Women, Peace and Security’ at the National University of Ireland in Dublin, on 11 and 12 May 2016.
The aim of this development programme is to build upon the expertise, knowledge and skills of the pharmacy workforce in Egypt. In recent years, the economic evaluation of pharmaceutical technologies has become an important issue for many health care systems, worldwide. This collaboration will help transfer knowledge and skills from the team at Coventry University to academics working in Egypt and pharmacists in select Egyptian hospitals.
The team were commissioned to undertake an academic evaluation and impact assessment of the Delivering Quality in General Practice Project and produce a targeted evaluation report on the outcomes, detailing findings and recommendations.
The Damascus Road Second Chance Programme (DRSP) is a Personal Social Development programme delivered by Bringing Hope, a Christian organisation based in Birmingham.
Developing a UK case study on somatic practices in performance, whilst drawing out information on ‘context’ as an aspect of somatic practices in performance.
This project builds on an FGM information webapp that was successfully developed for young people by Coventry University.
Understanding young people in Coventry’s knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, behaviours, and influences in relation to the use of contraception, the use of contraception services and to pregnancy
The main objectives of the London-Toronto (LONTOR) project were to obtain a better understanding of the nuanced and sometimes conflicting attitudes towards disability and media/technology use in the context of mega-sport events.
Sponsorship of a PhD studentship by Creative United to support their work in providing financial goods and services to enable the growth and development of the UK’s cultural and creative industries.
The goal of CTMEE is to explore what types of conflict transformation mechanisms are being utilised in Turkey and Palestine, and how these mechanisms relate to conflict transformation in Western Europe.
Commissioned SQW to investigate the high performance technology and motorsport (HPTM) cluster across the geography “within about 30 minutes” of Silverstone.
This ESRC Festival of social science event, aimed to showcase new and innovative research strategies of tackling food waste and connect social innovators with the business community.
The aim of this project is to find out more about home-educators’ motivations and approaches to the teaching of reading.
MASELTOV - Mobile Assistance for the Social Inclusion and Empowerment of Immigrants with Persuasive Learning Technologies and Social Network Services.
The CAVA project focused on Changing Attitudes to Dating and Violence in Adolescents through the use of an immersive and engaging video game designed to appeal to young people.
This project explores whether adults with Asperger Syndrome are at higher risk of suicidal thoughts than other clinical groups, and the associated risk factors.
Reducing the temperatures and process times of electroless and immersion plating processes using ultrasound.
The aim of this project is to create a (very) easy to use methodology and tool for the community development sector that allows a consistent, robust and real time ability to report the value of the economic impacts of community finance lending.
This project aims to develop new innovative methods to explore how those with autism process emotions in realistic social situations, as well as new evidence based interventions to improve emotion processing skills in people with autism.