This project will determine the ability of purpose-built, large-scale biofiltration cells downstream from a large informal settlement to treat contaminated runoff resulting from dysfunctional sanitation and limited urban drainage infrastructure.
The aim of this project is to develop socioeconomic growth by modernising Higher Education and making it more accessible to students with special needs, thereby enabling Students with Disabilities to enter the workforce and become independent.
The project is funded by Erasmus+, the EU’s programme for education, training, youth and sport, and involves partners in Denmark, France and Portugal. As this is all about co-creation, we have practiced what we preach and have been talking to people working in welfare from the beginning and will continue to gather feedback along the way. We hope that with our help, welfare organisations across Europe will start putting these methods into action. Everyone should be involved together as a team from the beginning and all the way through.
The three-year REACH project will establish a Social Platform as a sustainable space for meeting, discussion and collaboration by a wide-ranging network of all those with a stake in research and practice in the field of culture and cultural heritage.
This research aims to explore the potential impacts and opportunities associated with Brexit for UK Protected Food Name Schemes (PFNs), and to create policy recommendations at the UK member state and national devolved scale for the future governance of PFNs.
This Special Interest Group (part of the UK Fluids network) brings together industry, academia and policy makers to boost research in filtration flows in automotive and marine applications.
The aim of this project is to reach higher levels of organisation and networking, and develop a healthier, and more productive and harmonious farming sector in Europe for the long term.
The aim of this project is to understand how the social context resulting from the 'age of austerity' has affected Christian engagement with poverty in the UK and the theological motivations, which underpin it.
RECREATE aims to foster the creation of links between higher education, research and business, and the acquisition of transversal and entrepreneurial attitude among young researchers and students, in order to contribute to recovery of the current economic crisis.
Workshop in response to the Mexican Government’s belief to tackle the economic and social development challenges that the country faces requiring innovative and financially sustainable initiatives which intentionally look to solve social or environmental problems.
Unlocking the potential of the Creative Economy involves promoting the overall creativity of societies, affirming the distinctive identity of the places where it flourishes, enhancing local image and prestige and strengthening the resources for imagining diverse new futures.
BiLex is the first database compiled from textbooks used in bilingual education and provides word translations, pronunciations, spelling and psycholinguistic values. The database will provide the basis for the development of teaching and research material.
Nessy is an online reading intervention tool for poor readers that enables teachers to track progress in a number of key skills for reading so that they can effectively identify specific difficulties in individual children.
The potential of South-South migration contributing to development and delivery of the SDGs is widely acknowledged but remains unrealised, largely due to existing inequalities at the global, national and local levels which determine who is (and is not) able to migrate.
Gothic Modern, 1870s-1920s is the first in-depth study to explore the pivotal importance of late medieval Gothic art for the artistic modernisms of the late nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries.
Examining the potential effect of Welsh Governments new landscape management schemes on the economic, environmental and cultural activities and values of Cambrian Mountain Range residents and stakeholders.
The WREN Project will assess the feasibility of delivering a web-based cardiac rehabilitation intervention (ACTIVATEYOUR HEART) for those who decline or drop out from conventional supervised cardiac rehab. The feasibility trial will collect qualitative and quantitative data to inform the design of a definitive largescale multi-centre trial.
The aim of this project is to use a mixed method approach incorporating patient and public engagement to comprehensively evaluate across the three intervention sites.
Working with partners in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, France, Turkey, South Africa and the UK, this research explores the extent and ways in which gendered experiences of forced migration are reflected in the laws, policy and practice of refugee-receiving countries
This project is focused on the design of reliable yet efficient thermal models underpinning an optimal design framework for power electronic converters. Due to the high number of times these models must be evaluated during the optimisation process, they are required to be of low computational cost (so-called ‘optimisable’).