Knowledgeable, comprehensive and fully integrated smart solution for resilient, sustainable and optimised transport operations (KEYSTONE)
European Commission – Horizon Europe Scheme
Faculty/Research Centre
The Centre for Business in Society
Coventry University Team
Professor Alexeis Garcia-Perez (Principal Investigator)
Professor Umut Turksen
Dr Andrew Jones
Dr Dimitrios Kafteranis
Dr Adam Abukari
Dr Kevin Broughton
Dr Preetha Ramiah
June 2023 to May 2026
Value to Coventry University
€ 474,536
Total Value
€ 3,997,417
- Consorzio Interuniversitario Per L’ottimizzazione E La Ricerca Operativa (Coordinator)
- Coventry University
- TTS Italia – Telematica Trasporti e Sicurezza
- Rina Consulting
- T-Bridge
- Etelatar Innovation
- Smart Transportation Alliance
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Aethon Engineering
- Gruber Logistics
- Centro interportuale Merci
- Cefriel Società Consortile
- Confederation of Organisations in Road Transport Enforcement
Project Overview
The overall goal of KEYSTONE is to support the development of a sustainable, efficient, and safe transport system, allowing enforcement authorities to access data for the purpose of compliance with rules applied in the transport of goods and passengers. The aim is to tailor existing digital solutions from several realities to standardise the transport system.
To demonstrate the validity of the solutions proposed, an information system will be developed and two highly diverse pilots will be used to demonstrate the efficiency of the KEYSTONE innovation. This experience will help develop a seamless, interoperable, and intermodal digital transport ecosystem that can be replicated at European level.
The KEYSTONE digital solution will consist of a set of standardised application program interfaces (APIs) for data and information sharing between transport enforcement authorities and logistics operators. These APIs will be based on a federated approach and more efficient operations and interoperability.
KEYSTONE will: enable a reduction of costs associated to logistics; reduce the impact on the environment thanks to improved data sharing; help consolidate transport flows and improve safety thanks to seamless information exchange with enforcement authorities; and foster the acceptance of the European Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) solutions.
Project Objectives
1. Contribute to safety standards through the development of a seamless, intermodal, interoperable digital exchange of information with enforcement authorities
2. Propose an integrated approach to facilitate the collaboration between different stakeholders of the logistics sector.
3. Contribute to the reduction of the compliance logistics costs through information/data sharing and interoperable solutions for intermodal transport
4. Promote a wide replication at EU level guaranteeing the proper involvement of relevant stakeholders
5. Develop an API standardization that implements Plug-and-Play design principles and the federative infrastructure of platforms in logistics
Impact Statement
KEYSTONE will help create a joint European safety system for the mobility and transport sectors. To do this, KEYSTONE aims to build a framework based on cooperation between key players in the sector, both public and private, in defining common safety standards in terms of technologies and regulations, strengthening data sharing, and creating new business models that act as a driving force for the future development of transport safety.
A data exchange application will be developed to ensure compliance with European security, privacy, and regulations requirements.
New policies will be developed to promote the design of transport data exchange applications, based on common standards.
New operating processes will be developed from the integration of the KEYSTONE solutions.
Publications and reports on data-driven enforcement and intelligent transport systems will emerge throughout the development of KEYSTONE.