Gothic Modern, 1870s-1920s — From Munch to Kollwitz

Gothic Modern, 1870s-1920s is the first in-depth study to explore the pivotal importance of late medieval Gothic art for the artistic modernisms of the late nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

At the heart of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), is a number of questions that enquire about a homeless individual’s right to access to basic living provisions such as shelter, personal safety, health, food, and communication.

Polish Émigrés in London

The project seeks to establish the ways in which Polish émigrés contributed to debates concerning empire and how race and racial identity shaped engagement with discussions of imperial issues.

AccessCULT - Innovative Higher Education teaching contents for achieving sustainable ACCESSibility of CULTural heritage for ALL

AccessCULT seeks to improve the accessibility of cultural heritage across Europe through the exchange of good practice. The project will develop, implement, test, and promote innovative multidisciplinary, learning content targeted at students as future experts, and existing cultural workers.

Critical Pedagogies

Critical Pedagogies explores questions around alternative modes of education and how we learn and produce knowledge collectively. The research strand aimed to engage with the current scenarios in education and investigate the educational role of cultural organisations.

A Floating World: Memory, Climate and Race in the British Atlantic World

Drawing on an interdisciplinary body of scholarship that combines the history and science of climate change with literary and cultural histories, racial theories, and feminist ecocriticism, this project develops a view of premodern climate change.

Exploring the relationship between uniform and perceived employee happiness and productivity

This project sought to understand the employee perspective on the impact uniform has on their happiness and productivity in their role.


This project brings together Coventry University expertise in Material Science and Design to develop products that embed innovative smart textiles in order to support healthy ageing and independent living.


A collection of 14 paintings were included in the Pavilion exhibition.

Critical Practices Talks

The Critical Practices Talks is a series of monthly conversations curated by Carolina Rito with researchers and practitioners in the fields of art, curating, critical theory and museum studies.

Research Capacity Building Programme in Pakistan

A capacity building programme for researchers, reviewers and the institutional research management of Offices of Research, Innovation, & Commercialization (ORICs) in Pakistan.

Exploring ‘Disfluency Pride’ across Contexts and Communities

This project is looking at ways to creatively explore marginalised communication styles with communicators who may be considered dysfluent by dominant Western societal norms.

(ELC) Engineering Lecture Corpus

The Engineering Lecture Corpus (ELC) is a growing collection of transcripts of English-medium engineering lectures from around the world. Corpus development has been assisted by a British Council PMI2 Research Cooperation grant.

Return to Sender: Mapping Memory Journeys in the Europeana 1914-1918 Postcard Archive

Archives, as a combination of individual artefacts from different contributors, times and locations, are where society builds its collective memories.

Veiled Cities – Haunted Urban Realities in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

This project on ‘Veiled Cities – Haunted Urban Realities’ is addressed to art, cultural and memory historians of urban spaces between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as well as of the art, literature, music that solemnized the city.


ERGO WORK is a collaboration of academic and business organisations in 6 countries, to understand the barriers that disabled people face in the EU workplace and to tackle some of these through improved workplace Ergonomics.

SHAPES (Sheffield Adaptive Patterned Electrical Stimulation)

The SHAPES project has been funded for three years to design, manufacture and trial a self, or carer-managed intervention that could be deployed early after stroke to treat post-stroke elbow spasticity.

Use of digital self-management technology by older people with long-term health conditions

The provision of digital technology to older people may not be effective for a range of reasons for example, low motivation; digital literacy; insufficient support; language and communication skills; age-related mobility or cognitive restrictions. We are interested in understanding these reasons in order to improve the process of matching self-management technology to individual needs.


Encounters addresses and explores the liminal experience of walking through the built environment, where part of that experience is observing planted trees, and wild planting, where vegetation had sprouted of its own accord, particularly in the suburban setting.,


This body of paintings continues Graham Chorlton’s research into the possibilities of representational painting within contemporary art practice.