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Life cycle and aging process. Person growing up from baby to old age.

Life Course Epidemiology

About the theme

The Life Course Epidemiology Theme at Coventry University aims to develop and apply various methodologies that will elucidate the complexity of developmental change in childhood and adolescence to chronic disorders and their complications in adulthood.

Its main focus will be to use data from multiple longitudinal cohorts to understand the interplay of environmental and lifestyle factors on morbidity or/and mortality of chronic disorders from before conception through old age.

We will use our findings to develop and test population-based and targeted simple to complex interventions that will help in the prevention and improvement of various chronic diseases globally. We will collaborate with existing cohort studies and develop new cohorts to explore the mechanisms of various chronic diseases, particularly cardio-respiratory and metabolic diseases.

The theme aims to involve laying the groundwork to strengthen current global partnerships for long-term study with a vision for future research by gathering preliminary data, demonstrating the study's feasibility in new geographical settings, and highlighting the potential impact on public health guidelines and policies.

We plan to build a North-South partnership in research as it is important to address global health problems with holistic solutions that can make a profound and enduring impact on GLOBAL HEALTH.

Project list


  • Baseline data acquisition of a family cohort is undergoing in Nepal to understand the various determinants of health problems, particularly lung health and associated co-morbidities in children, adolescents and adults.

  • The main goal of this project (led by Prof Sanjay Kinra from LHSTM) is to capitalise on 30 years of investment and extend the inter-generational APCAPs cohort into a platform for understanding the epidemiology of multimorbidity and its corresponding burden and healthcare utilisation patterns, which could be ultimately used to develop and test interventions.

  • We are partnering with the University of Nottingham and BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences to understand the determinants of multimorbidity, particularly those with lung problems in Nepal and pilot interventions to reduce the burden of multimorbidity.

  • With funding from the British Council India, and in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India and Somaiya Vidhyavihar University, Mumbai, India, we are working on improved cookstove testing interventions to reduce the burden of health problems, particularly lung health in the States of Uttar Pradesh, India.


Theme lead / Co-leads

Om P Kurmi

Om is an Associate Professor in Epidemiology and evidence-based Healthcare Research and an active global health researcher. His main interest is life course epidemiology, particularly lung health, using a large population cohort involving lifestyle factors, environmental and occupational exposures, –omics and a genetic approach to understanding the burden and risk factors (including environmental and occupational) that will help provide valuable information for intervention at personal levels or advocate for policy changes from gestation, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood and later adult life.

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