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Wilfred Chitembwe | Business and Law

Assistant Lecturer | Coventry Law School | College of Business and Law | Email:

Dr Andrew Jones

Lecturer in Law | College of Business and Law |

Dr Steve Foster

Lecturer in Law | College of Business and Law |

Dr Ejemen Ojobo | Business and Law

Assistant Professor in Law and Course Director | Coventry Law School | FBL | Email:

Sharan Dhadda | Business and Law

Associate Lecturer | Coventry Law School | FBL | Email:

Dr. Paul Gower

Assistant Professor in Finance; Course Director MSc Banking and Finance | Paul Gower is an Assistant Professor in Finance and Course Director for MSc Banking and Finance - he teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate modules. His research interests focus on the impact of financial regulation on the banking sector.

Dr. Timothy Rodgers

Associate Professor in Economics and Finance |  Dr Rodgers is an Associate Professor in Economics and Finance, and Academic Course Director of MSc Investment Management. He teaches, researches, and supervises PhDs in the area of finance.

Dr. Sailesh Tanna

Associate Professor | Dr Tanna is an Associate Professor in the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting, and has taught various undergraduate and postgraduate courses, as well as developing postgraduate degrees in Banking and Finance.

Geoff Alcock

Lecturer in Marketing and Advertising | Geoff Alcock's teaching responsibilities include leading undergraduate modules such as Marketing Essentials, as well as tutoring and teaching on a range of postgraduate modules.

Dr. Torri Wang

Lecturer in Accounting and Finance | Dr. Wang had a career in accountancy in China and the UK before moving into academia, where she has conducted research on Chinese students in business, finance and accounting courses in the UK.

Ian Webster

Assistant Professor in Event Management| Ian Marshall is an Assistant Professor in Event Management, and a module leader for various modules. He also supervises research students, including serving as a subject expert for numerous PhD candidates.

Neville Clements

Deputy Head of School | Neville Clements is Deputy Head of School for the School of Marketing and Management, with a background as a principal lecturer in Sport Management, focusing on sport finance, fan engagement and mega events legacy.

Lara Chaplin

Assistant Professor in Marketing/Advertising | Lara Chaplin is an Assistant Professor in Marketing and Advertising, as well as Course Director for Postgraduate Marketing. She has academic and industry experience, with time spent as a marketing and business consultant.

Dr. Keith Gray

Associate Head of School (Student Experience) | As Associate Head for Student Experience in the School of Economics, Finance and Accounting, Dr. Gray is responsible for managign and enhancing the experience of students in the school.

Dr. Qiaoyuan Lin

Assistant Professor in Economics | Dr. Lin has over a decade of experience in Higher Education in the UK, and teaches on a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate modules.

Sarah Horton-Walsh

Assistant Professor | Sarah Horton-Walsh is the Head of School for the School of Marketing and Management, leading all strands of the school's activity. She is also a Chartered Marketer with 18 years of industry experience.

Len Bird

Associate Head of School (International); Associate Professor | Len is an Associate Professor, as well as a facilitator of learning within Higher Education. Len has extensive experience of coaching and developing senior managers from a number of private and public sector disciplines.

Dr. Graham Sadler

Associate Professor in Finance | Dr Sadler is an Associate Professor of Finance. His research interests cover shareholder activism, executive remuneration and the structure and function of the Board of Directors.

Tom Bason

Assistant Professor in Sport and Event Management | Tom Bason is an Assistant Professor in Sport and Event Management. His research interests include the governance of football clubs.

Dr. Kirsten Stevens

Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management | Dr. Stevens is Assistant Professor in HRM, as well as a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an External Examiner.