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Professor Richard Wells

Richard Wells

Professor Richard Wells

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International)

Personal Assistant:
Jane Cadden
07392 097278

Richard is Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) and has overall strategic responsibility for the global activity of the Group, including student recruitment, academic partnerships, and the network of Global Hubs. He has extensive experience in developing international links, having developed and operated major collaborations in the Gulf, Australia, China and South and Southeast Asia. He has worked with governments, major corporates, and NGOs to deliver mutually beneficial partnerships all over the world. He has a strong interest in transnational education and has advised bodies at both UK and international level on future regulatory frameworks in this area.

Richard’s academic background is in surface chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis, and he is a graduate of Birmingham, Liverpool, and Dundee Universities. He is a long-term advisor to the European Union.

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023