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Dr. Patricia Lund

Research studies on albinism in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Malawi, Zambia and Ghana have been wide reaching with multiple partners and funders. Information has been gathered on the frequency of albinism in different populations, mutations in the gene causing the condition, sun protection strategies adopted to reduce the risk of developing sun induced skin damage, health (especially genetic) care for this vulnerable group, education (mainstream versus special schools) and social perceptions (and misconceptions) about albinism in African communities. These multi-faceted studies have been enriched by collaborations with local albinism associations in Africa and I have also been privileged to meet many families with albinism. 

In addition to academic outputs, I have written (with other authors), two pamphlets on Albinism in Malawi; Information for children (also available in Chichewa) and information for teachers and parents. A further booklet for children with albinism in Zambia and another general one for Africa covers issues of inheritance. Posters and a radio drama called LOVE BUILDS have also been developed to educate communities about albinism. There materials are all open access and are used for training around issues of albinism in Africa.

  • Lynch, P., Lund, P., and Massah, B. (2014) Identifying strategies to enhance the educational inclusion of visually impaired children with albinism in Malawi. International Journal of Educational Development (in press). 
  • Lund, P., Massah, B., and Dart, G. (2014) Radio drama LOVE BUILDS to educate and inform teachers and the community in Malawi about issues of albinism. [Report]. 
  • Lynch, P., and Lund, P. (2011) Education of children and young people with albinism in Malawi. London. Field report for Commonwealth Secretariat. 
  • Baker, C., Lund, P., Nyathi, N., and Taylor, J. (2010) 'The Myths Surrounding People with Albinism in South Africa and Zimbabwe'. Journal of African Cultural Studies 22 (2), 169-181. 
  • Baker, C., and Lund, P. (2009) 'Images of Black African People with Albinism'. In Expressions of the Body: Representations in African Test and Image. Ed. by Baker, C. Bern: Peter Lang, 279-296. 
  • Taylor, J., and Lund, P. (2008) 'Experiences of a feasibility study of children with albinism in Zimbabwe: A discussion paper'. International Journal of Nursing Studies 45 (8), 1247-1256. 
  • Lund, P.M., and Taylor, J.S. (2008) 'Lack of adequate sun protection for children with oculocutaneous albinism in South Africa'. BMC Public Health 8, 225. 
  • Lund, P.M. (2008) 'Genetic care of families affected by albinism in an African cultural context'. European Journal of Human Genetics 16 (S1), 424. 
  • Lund, P.M., Maluleke, T.G., Gaigher, I. and Gaigher, M.J. (2007) 'Oculocutaneous albinism in a rural community of South Africa: a population genetic study'. Annals of Human Biology 34, 493-497. 
  • Lund, P. (2005) 'Oculocutaneous albinism in southern Africa: Population structure, health and genetic care'. Annals of Human Biology 32 (2), 168-173. 
  • Lund, P., Maluleke, T.G., Gaigher, I., and Gaigher, R. (2003) 'Variations in the frequency of albinism among clans in the Venda region of South Africa'. Journal of Medical Genetics 40. 
  • Lund, P.M., and Gaigher, R. (2002) 'A health intervention programme for children with albinism at a special school in South Africa'. Health Education Research: Theory and Practice 17 (3), 365-372. 
  • Lund, P., Newton, J., Garrison, N., and Brilliant, M.H. (2002) 'Frequency of the deletion allele of the P gene among different phenotypic groups of Oculocutaneous albinism in Southern Africa'. Journal of Medical Genetics 39. 
  • Lund, P.M. (2001) 'Health and education of children with albinism in Zimbabwe'. Health Education Research: Theory and Practice 16 (1), 1-7. 
  • Puri, N., Durham-Pierre, D., Aquaron, R., Lund, P., King, R.A., and Brilliant, M.H. (1997) 'Type 2 oculocutaneous albinism (OCA2) in Zimbabwe and Cameroon: distribution of the 2.7 -kb deletion allele of the P gene'. Human Genetics 100, 651-656.
  • Standing Voice and Advantage Africa: An investigation into the impact of stigma on the education and life opportunities available to people with albinism in Tanzania and Uganda. 
  • Exploring interdisciplinary: approaches to albinism in sub-Saharan Africa. Collaborative project with Lancaster University and others. 
  • From 2014: Development of radio dramas to inform communities in Africa about issues of albinism, with funding from several UK based charities. 
  • 2013-14: A Statistical Survey of the Prevalence of Albinism in Districts of the Central Region of Ghana, in collaboration wit Masters students at AIMS Ghana, Professor Mark Roberts at the University of Surrey and Dr Ezekiel Nortay at the University of Ghana. 
  • Sightsavers Innovation Fund: Integrating community and media networks to promote educational inclusion of children and young people with albinism in Malawi and Zambia. 
  • 2012-2014: Barriers to access: why are some visually impaired young people with albinism in Malawi not attending school? British Academy Small Grant, £9,550. 
  • 2009-2011: Collaborative research on the inclusive education of young people with albinism in Malawi and the role of itinerant specialist teachers in supporting this visually impaired group of pupils, funded by the Commonwealth Secretariat. 
  • 2008: Pedagogical research on development and evaluation of e-learning material in genetics, funded by Coventry University. 
  • 2002-2006: Enhancement of genetic education and information provision, particularly on albinism, in the Venda region of Northern Province, South Africa, funded by the British Council/DFID. 
  • 1999-2000: Multidisciplinary research project on albinism in Southern Africa, involving molecular genetic, optometric, health, social and psychological aspects, funded by the Leverhulme Trust.
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