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Postgraduate degrees

With our range of postgraduate degrees, you can enrol directly onto one of our MSc courses and complete the eight taught modules and final working paper. Alternatively you can top up your postgraduate certificate with the additional four modules required, successfully complete the final working paper and graduate with a master’s degree. All assessment is industry based and can be applied to your working environment.

On campus

Crowd at concert with their arms in the air

Crowded Places and Public Safety Management MSc


Person stood looking at destruction

Disaster Management and Resilience MSc


House of Parliament with police line tape

Emergency Management and Resilience MSc



Clouds of smoke

Disaster Management and Resilience MSc


Fireman stood looking into building filled with fire

Emergency Management and Resilience MSc


 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023
TEF Gold 2023