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Lucy's story
Student experience

Lecturers and other people within the university are helpful and motivating

Data Science MSc student Lucy Goodacre shares her experience of studying her postgraduate course at Coventry University.


How long did you spend researching Coventry and your course? What channels did you use? An open day, social media, website, recommendations from others?

I previously studied at Coventry University so I already had previous knowledge on the what it was like to study here, however I was entering a new facility so I did a lot more research into the course, and looked on the internet to gather more information to see what it would entail.


Is there anything in particular that set Coventry apart from other institutions you were considering?

Coventry was one of the Universities offering scholarships for my course, which was a big factor that I considered when looking at studying here. As well as this, I had previous knowledge on the area and enjoyed it thoroughly during my undergraduate degree. I am very happy and comfortable at Coventry and knew that the lecturers and other people within the university are helpful and motivating which made me want to return.


Why did you choose Coventry University to study your PG course?

I had such a great time previously studying at Coventry which was one of the reasons I applied to return, as well as this Coventry offered me a scholarship for my course which made me decide to continue on for postgraduate studying. As well as this, Coventry graduates getting a slight discount also persuaded me to continue studying; but I also felt that it was pretty impossible for another university to meet the standards Coventry gave me, due to the fantastic experience I had during my undergraduate degree, that it felt natural to return to Coventry.


Why did you choose this particular course? What appealed most to you?

Due to the workforce needing more people specialising in Data Science, this course stuck out to me to help develop my skills to excel in a future career. As well as this, due to there being a lack of data scientists, as well as a lack of diversity in this field, there was offers of scholarships to complete the course, which also made me interested in studying this.


Could you provide an overview of Coventry and what’s available, e.g. City centre, food and drink, nightlife?

Coventry is a great city to live in, although it may be smaller than some other cities, I found this more beneficial. For example, there are some great clubs, and because there may be fewer than bigger cities it is likely you will bump into fellow classmates and friends when out. As well as this, there is a range of restaurants and other activities to do, which don’t have to involve drinking. For example, there is a new climbing wall and a water park in the city centre only minutes away from the University. Coventry is also only a short journey to Birmingham and London, which means you are able to benefit from living in a smaller city but still only being a short train journey away from two of the biggest cities in the UK. 


What do you enjoy most about being a PG student at Coventry University?

I enjoy being a Postgraduate student ambassador as it allows me to meet and network with a range of students and offer my support when needed. Coventry university excels in ensuring that all students feel included which is something I enjoy most about studying at the university.


What hints and tips do you wish you had known before you started your PG studies, which you would like you share with others who are considering joining the Coventry PG community?

One of the main hints would be the new layouts of the course, as they are slightly different to Undergraduate, modules are done by themselves but at a much more intense speed. Rather than learning multiple modules at the same time, and completing them at the end of the semester, on my current course modules are done individually at a lot quicker speed.


If you had to describe your experience in three words, what would they be?

Challenging, Interesting and Motivating


What are you planning for your next steps once you complete your PG studies?

I am planning to pursue a future career in Data Science, and currently applying for graduate jobs in this area.


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