Research search results

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International Conference Attendance: Trust Team attend FINT

CTPSR's Trust Group will visit Dublin in November to contribute to the First International Network on Trust (FINT). The theme of the conference, “Reaching Out”, is about challenging the trust research community to stretch their thinking and influence, to encourage wider participation in the community from practitioners and academics in related fields.

Leading Locally: Sustainable Food Tourism in St Ives – Event summary

Read our research findings report and a brief event summary on our ESRC funded event: 'Leading Locally: Sustainable food tourism in St Ives' hosted by Jordon Lazell in the Centre for Business in Society. 

WREV Showcase

Read all about our Warwickshire Rural Electric Vehicles (WREV) showcase event summary and download our report findings. 

REcovery the CRisis through Entrepreneurial ATtitudE - RECREATE

RECREATE aims to foster the creation of links between higher education, research and business, and the acquisition of transversal and entrepreneurial attitude among young researchers and students, in order to contribute to recovery of the current economic crisis.

Training in Social Impact Management for Social Enterprise Mentors and Policy Makers

Workshop in response to the Mexican Government’s belief to tackle the economic and social development challenges that the country faces requiring innovative and financially sustainable initiatives which intentionally look to solve social or environmental problems.

Positioning Brazil the Global Creative Economy

Unlocking the potential of the Creative Economy involves promoting the overall creativity of societies, affirming the distinctive identity of the places where it flourishes, enhancing local image and prestige and strengthening the resources for imagining diverse new futures.

BiLex: A Psycholinguistic Database for Bilingual Children

BiLex is the first database compiled from textbooks used in bilingual education and provides word translations, pronunciations, spelling and psycholinguistic values. The database will provide the basis for the development of teaching and research material.

An evaluation of a digital reading intervention for beginning readers

Nessy is an online reading intervention tool for poor readers that enables teachers to track progress in a number of key skills for reading so that they can effectively identify specific difficulties in individual children.

IFS - The Intervention Toolkit

This project will produce a coherent system, supported by data analytics, to identify students at risk of underachievement at four UK institutions, and offer solutions in the form of appropriate, high quality academic interventions to ensure those students continue and succeed.

UKRI GCRF South-South Migration, Inequality and Development Hub

The potential of South-South migration contributing to development and delivery of the SDGs is widely acknowledged but remains unrealised, largely due to existing inequalities at the global, national and local levels which determine who is (and is not) able to migrate.

Football and Blockchain Sponsorships

This CBiS event will discuss the growing trend of cryptocurrency companies sponsoring sport, with a focus on and the 2022 FIFA Men's World Cup.

Gothic Modern, 1870s-1920s — From Munch to Kollwitz

Gothic Modern, 1870s-1920s is the first in-depth study to explore the pivotal importance of late medieval Gothic art for the artistic modernisms of the late nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries.

Beautiful places as contested spaces

Examining the potential effect of Welsh Governments new landscape management schemes on the economic, environmental and cultural activities and values of Cambrian Mountain Range residents and stakeholders.

A Web-Based Cardiac REhabilitatioN Alternative for Those Declining or Dropping Out Of Conventional Rehabilitation: The WREN Feasibility Study

The WREN Project will assess the feasibility of delivering a web-based cardiac rehabilitation intervention (ACTIVATEYOUR HEART) for those who decline or drop out from conventional supervised cardiac rehab. The feasibility trial will collect qualitative and quantitative data to inform the design of a definitive largescale multi-centre trial.

Breaking Bad: How transnational drug trafficking creates violent masculinities in local Caribbean communities in Port of Spain

This project addresses the impact of transnational organised crime (TNOC) and drug-trafficking on poor urban communities in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, by considering the ‘transnational-to-community’ impact of drug-trafficking.

FinCris: Responsibilities, Ethics and the Financial Crisis

FinCris seeks to enlarge the public understanding of the financial crisis and the understanding among officials, regulatory and consumer bodies of the ethical issues raised by the crisis, specifically, how responsibilities for what has gone wrong create obligations to some of those badly affected by the crisis.

Warwickshire Rural Electric Vehicle Trial (WREV)

The 'Warwickshire Rural Electric Vehicle' (WREV) trial was designed to support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in rural Warwickshire in examining their options for switching to electric vehicles (EVs).

Evaluation of the Coventry GP Alliance: Best Care, Anywhere: Integrating Primary Care in Coventry Programme

The aim of this project is to use a mixed method approach incorporating patient and public engagement to comprehensively evaluate across the three intervention sites.

Collaborate to Train

Collaborate to Train is a three-year project that will engage with over 250 local small businesses and support them to increase their involvement in the education and workforce training system.

Beyond fear and hate: mobilising people power to create a new narrative on migration and diversity

Across Europe political and media debates on migration and diversity have become increasingly negative. There is growing evidence that narratives of fear and hate have moved from fringe positions to occupy the mainstream, changing the terms of the debate in many countries. This project explores who is driving dominant narratives on migration and diversity and their purpose.