Quantum Thinking for Agroecology

This research programme aims to explore the Principle of Complementarity or Wave-Particle Duality as it applies to agriculture

Water quality performance of permeable pavements

Permeable pavements (PPS) are often the most appropriate sustainable drainage (SuDS) device for highly urbanised areas and can be used for parking areas, low speed roads and landscaped areas.

Austerity Retail in Britain

This project from the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) aims to critically examine the emergence of what we call ‘austerity retail’ initiatives amidst rising food poverty in Britain. These include ‘social supermarkets’ and other forms of ‘community shop’ offering highly discounted products, and often making use of ‘surplus’ or ‘rejected’ foods which would otherwise be thrown away. 

Innovative designs of sustainable agro-hydro-health systems

Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British Council and Akademi Sains Malaysia will be holding a 5-day workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia commencing on 31 July 2017. The workshop is being coordinated by Professor Sue Charlesworth (Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University) and Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Halim Ghazali (Universiti Putra Malaysia), and will have contributions from other leading researchers. The workshop will explore the following research topics in relation to ‘off-grid’ communities.

Blooms for Bees

Blooms for Bees aims to promote bee-friendly gardening and encourage citizen scientists from across the UK to explore the presence and floral preferences of bumblebees in their gardens and allotments.

Sustainable flood resilience in refugee camps; combining sustainable drainage with WASH

The aim of this project was to identify and redress issues affecting resilience to flooding in refugee camps.

An Evaluation of Bringing Hope's Second Chance Damascus Programme

The Damascus Road Second Chance Programme (DRSP) is a Personal Social Development programme delivered by Bringing Hope, a Christian organisation based in Birmingham.

Lived experiences of gambling, gambling-related harms, and crime within ethnic minority communities

The overarching aim of the research was to amplify the voices of people from ethnic minority communities who have been affected by gambling and crime.

A study examining the Drug, Alcohol & Recovery Team and the Drug Recovery Wing at HMP Rye Hill

The report presents key findings from a prison-based study examining the role of a Drug, Alcohol and Recovery team and a Drug Recovery Wing at category B prison.

The Master Gardener Programme working with urban communities: Garden Organic’s London Food Poverty Project: Southwark

Funded by The Hirschmann Foundation, The London Food Poverty Project aimed to work with communities to build resilience and knowledge so that involved communities feel confident to address the triggers of food poverty positively and proactively.

Plastic Litter Surveying on Coventry Canal

A survey of the Coventry canal to determine the extent and types of plastic pollution.

Green roofs for ecological benefit, water management and sustainable design KTP: SEL Environmental and Coventry University

The benefits of green roofs individually include the improvement and reduction of energy consumption, while a concentration across a large area has been proven to reduce temperatures in the surrounding climate.

Sustainable management of an Ethiopian rangeland for biodiversity and pastoralists

This project looks at how sustainable management of the Liben Plain enhances livelihoods and food security for 10,000 pastoralists, prevents mainland Africa’s first bird extinction and integrates biodiversity conservation into Ethiopian rangeland recovery.

Research Capacity Building Programme in Pakistan

A capacity building programme for researchers, reviewers and the institutional research management of Offices of Research, Innovation, & Commercialization (ORICs) in Pakistan.

Independent Evaluation of the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM)

This project evaluated key aspects of the CSM functioning in the context of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) as it is today, 8 years after the Reform, and 3 years after the last evaluation.

Power to Change

This project aims to assess the social impact of small-scale agroecological businesses and food producing enterprises in the UK.

Evaluation of Kairos WWT Prison In-reach and Post-release Floating Support Service for women

Our objective was to provide an independent evaluation of Kairos WWT prison in-reach project at HMP Peterborough and Coventry based Floating Support Service.

ReACHyn: Recent Atmospheric Change and the Hydrology of the Niger

This project aims to quantify the temporal changes of flow patterns in the River Niger. 

Human Wildlife Co-Existence (ALERT)

The ALERT conservation/psychology project is a multidisciplinary project concerning both theoretical and applied research, working with both lions and people, led by Dr. Jackie Abell.

Co-developing a Social Impact Toolkit for Community Food Businesses

This work builds upon research funded by Just Growth (2016) & Power To Change (2017) to create a toolkit that Community Food Businesses can use to understand their social impact.