If the Archive Can’t Consent: Historical Dance Footage, Computer Vision, and the Ethics of AI

As part of The Body and AI series, C-DaRE invites… Kate Elswit and Harmony Bench. If the Archive Can’t Consent: Historical Dance Footage, Computer Vision, and the Ethics of AI

Unmasking educational inequalities: The impact of Covid-19 on deaf* students in higher education

Unmasking educational inequalities: The impact of Covid-19 on deaf* students in higher education

RemixPlay 5 - The Secret Agents of Change!

The secret agents of change are people who work together to make the world a better place. They can take the form of anything from activists, artists, and educators who believe in the power of change.

The European Supply Chain Forum: tightly connecting industry and academia

This event will include a discussion with Tom Van Woensel, Professor of Freight Transport.

A Deaf Students’ journey: Deaf Awareness in Higher Education Workshop

This workshop will explore some of the key findings from a study which centred on the impact Covid-19 had on deaf students in higher education settings.

Socioeconomic potential of forestry sector and the role played by small scale trees growers: contribution to the country’s economy

Subsistence and market demand must drive innovations. There is a need to better document and plan wood clusters. The link between the national wood demand balance and the local level needs to be strengthened.

Play as Macroscope: Transdisciplinarity, Systems Thinking and Education for Planetary Citizenship

This webinar will discuss insights emerging from a currently evolving hybrid research, teaching and public engagement approach built on participatory mapping and playful design elements, aimed at promoting what Howard Odum called “the macroscope”: a capacity to holistically engage with large patterns.

Walking Through Coventry Data

Coventry’s year as the UK City of Culture 2021 has generated an unprecedented amount of data relating to cultural participation, perceptions and engagement. This has made Coventry into what is perhaps the most data-rich place in the world for cultural data.

Getting ‘surplus food’ to those in need during a cost-of-living crisis: The scaling-up of social eating in the East Midlands

This event will discuss the factors shaping the success of social eating projects as a means of tackling food insecurity.

The STEAM Stars Project: Supporting gifted pupils using STEAM

Want to find out more about research into supporting teachers’ understanding and use of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education?

IISMAVO Night 2022: A Glimpse of Indonesia

IISMAVO Night is an event held by the Indonesian International Student Mobility Award for Vocational Degree (IISMAVO) awardees at Coventry University.

Convenient tools and social norms: The effectiveness of an intervention to diminish household food waste

This event will discuss ongoing research on interventions to reduce household food waste.

How successfully has the environmental theme been integrated into UK City of Culture 2021?

This event will discuss how an environmental theme was incorporated into Coventry UK City of Culture 2021 and with what impacts.

A thousand conversations: new evidence to inspire change and inform recovery and healing in the aftermath of sexual violence and abuse (MESARCH)

Join us and be a part of A thousand conversations: new evidence to inspire change and inform recovery and healing in the aftermath of Sexual Violence and Abuse.

Corporate Blockchain Technology Adoption: Drivers and Barriers

This event will discuss Blockchain Technology, the current status of Cryptocurrencies, and their relationship to financial institutions.

Fire risk management through asset protection routing; optimisation enhanced with machine learning

This event will discuss about a wildfire risk management by asset protection strategy through operations research with a focus on the Australia bush fire event.

The science of crop diversification

This talk will explore current research topics around making diversification work better for farmers and the environment.

Extremist Islam: Recognition and Response in Southeast Asia

The book shines a light on specific beliefs, behaviours, and policies that impact these challenges, ultimately offering cutting-edge, effective tools for response.

Smartness that really matters: Reaching new levels of customer satisfaction for Sustainable Supply Chain Management

This talk will discuss new emerging research methodologies which are geared towards developing effective solutions for performance/risk analysis of integrated supply chain networks.

Reflections on the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party

In this webinar, Professor Jinghan Zeng will discuss the key themes arising from the Congress, and what it means for China’s place in the world.