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Priya's story
Student experience

Lectures with highly experienced professors

Global Healthcare Management MSc Priya Gholap shares her experience of studying her postgraduate course at Coventry University.


How long did you spend researching Coventry and your course? What channels did you use? An open day, social media, website, recommendations from others?

I was searching my master’s course (MSC in Healthcare Management) about a year and searching for an MBA course around three months. For the MSC, I have attended open day event and I met one of the Professors there. The professor presents the course details the way that he convinced me that how this course is useful and how they will support me during the course.


Is there anything in particular that set Coventry apart from other institutions you were considering?

The course (MSc global Healthcare management) was with experience and the fees were quite in my budget. The professor explained that university will help us to find the internship and most of the internships will be with the NHS.


Why did you choose Coventry University to study your PG course?

I live in Coventry so it was easy for me. For the MBA course I visited other universities but I like the course content/modules which Coventry University offers. I met with the course director and he explained all the modules and the final consultancy project, which I think was enough for me to choose Coventry University.


Why did you choose this particular course? What appealed most to you?

MSC Global Healthcare management course was with six months professional experience. It was appealing (the professional experience criteria) Also, the additional CMI certificate was the attraction. Also, the MBA consultancy project was good for the industry experience.


Could you provide an overview of Coventry and what’s available, e.g. City centre, food and drink, nightlife?

Coventry is the happening city with affordable life style for international students. There are many students job opportunities. The university is in the heart of the city and the bus connectivity is strong also the train station is near by the university. For London there is a direct bus or train from Coventry (the stop is by the University).


Which postgraduate facilities do you use most, for example the library, Jaguar building, Centre for Academic writing etc.? If you are a fairly new to your studies, which facilities appealed to you most during the recruitment process?

We used the Jaguar building most for MSC and MBA lectures.


What do you enjoy most about being a PG student at Coventry University?

Lectures with highly experienced professors.


What hints and tips do you wish you had known before you started your PG studies, which you would like you share with others who are considering joining the Coventry PG community?

Time management.
Hard work
Follow your professors’ comments for exams or assignments


If you had to describe your experience in three words, what would they be?

Support, Facilities, Lectures


What are you planning for your next steps once you complete your PG studies?

I have completed my two masters and currently applying for jobs in the UK.

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