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Health and Safety Information

The University Group recognises the importance of providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment within which all can teach, study, research and pursue the University's other business interests. It is committed to implementing an effective and sensible risk management system for all its activities.

Sensible risk management is concerned with:

  • Understanding your institutions risk profile;
  • Focusing on reducing significant risks – which are those which have serious consequences or arise frequently;
  • Ensuring that those who create and own risks manage them responsibly;
  • Ensuring that those who are managing risks have the knowledge, skills and experience to do so; and
  • Ensuring that staff, students, contractors, visitors, and members of the public are properly protected

The Group’s risk management system is based upon good practice as described in the USHA/UCEA document Leadership and Management of Health and Safety in Higher Education Institutions and the Health and Safety Management Profile audit standard.

The Health and Safety Policy Statement (PDF, 781KB) sets out Coventry University Group's commitment to ensure the effective and beneficial management of health and safety risks arising from its diverse and wide-ranging activities as a provider of high quality education and with a focus on applied research. The detail of our mandated control standards and the responsibilities of staff is further detailed in the Health and Safety Policy which is available on request from the Healthy and Safety Services team.

The overall responsibility for ensuring implementation of the policy lies with Board of Governors and the Vice-Chancellor.

The Health and Safety Services team provides guidance and support to management across the University Group in discharging their legal duties towards health and safety.

They do so by working with staff and students to promote a positive health and safety culture; providing guidance and policy, investigating incidents, delivering training and auditing compliance.

Their remit includes all health, safety and fire matters and they also co-ordinate the University Group’s emergency planning and business continuity arrangements.

For enquires regarding health and safety contact the team:


The Health and Safety internal portal pages for staff and students (restricted access) contain further health and safety information, guidance, codes of practice and arrangements.

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