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Warm Neighbourhoods®

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HDTI is developing a service design for the iFocus DALLAS communities Warm Neighbourhoods® proposition.

We all recognise a wide range of brands in the statutory market for assisted living products and services. In recognising those brands, we usually have a clear understanding of what they mean and stand for. At present, there is no equivalent in the consumer market by which consumers can recognise products and services that could help them, or their family and friends, improve the quality of their lives or which could prevent or delay their entry in to the statutory sector; a brand that they recognise and that actually means something of value to them.

iFocus, a project led by the Advanced Digital Institute (ADI) and one of the successful Communities in the recent Technology Strategy Boards DALLAS programme, will seek to address this issue by creating the Warm Neighbourhoods® brand. An exemplar service will be developed to explore what the brand needs to mean and represent to consumers. The intention is that the Warm Neighbourhoods® brand will become a ‘kitemark’ standard readily recognised by consumers and will be used by companies with existing consumer products and services together with organisations with innovative offerings who want to move into the consumer market.

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