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Dr. Geraldine Brady

Geraldine’s work takes a critical sociological approach to researching social issues. She has over 15 years experience in managing and delivering research and evaluation projects and her approach to qualitative research draws on feminist methodology, with a particular focus on participatory methods and creative, arts based means of engagement. She has led on research projects commissioned by a range of funders, and also held grant funded research awards. Geraldine has recently completed NSPCC funded research which explored the knowledge and confidence of social workers in cases of child sexual abuse and exploitation and is also researching young people’s views of sexual consent, coercion and exploitation (with Dr Pam Lowe, Aston University). Most recently Geraldine, Paul Bywaters and six partner universities have been awarded a substantial Nuffield Foundation grant to continue to explore links between deprivation and children’s chances of coming into contact with children’s services, extending their original mixed methodology to the four UK countries.  Geraldine co-convenes the West Midlands Medical Sociology Group and has jointly edited the 2015 Sociology of Health and Illness monograph, 'Children, health and well-being: policy debates and lived experience'. She is a visiting Fellow at Stockholm University, a Board member of Coventry Women’s Voices and a Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Ethics Committee member; she currently supervises six doctoral students.

  • Bywaters, P., Brady, G., Sparks, T., Bos, E., Bunting, L., Daniel, B., Featherstone, B., Morris, K., Scourfield, J. 'Exploring inequalities in child welfare and protective services: explaining the 'inverse intervention law'. Child and Youth Services Review 57:98-105. DOI:10.1016/j.childyouth.2015.0.017
  • Brady, G and Durell, S.  (2015) Two people, one path: a supervisor and supervisee talk about doctoral support. Women in Higher Education, Volume 24, Issue 12, pages 13–14, December 2015 Article first published online: 30 NOV 2015. OI: 10.1002/whe.20263
  • Brady, G. Lowe, P and Olin Lauritzen, S (2015) Children, health and well-being: policy debates and lived experience, the 21st Sociology of Health and Illness Monograph, published by Wiley Blackwell.
  • Brady, G., Lowe, P., and Olin Lauritzen, S. (2015) ‘Connecting a sociology of childhood perspective with the study of child health, illness and wellbeing introduction’, Sociology of Health and Illness 37 (2), 173-183. 
  • Bywaters, P., Brady, G., Sparks, T., and Bos, E. (2014) Child welfare inequalities: new evidence, further questions, Child and Family Social Work [online][8th May 2014]. 
  • Martin, L., Brady, G., Kwhali, J., Brown, S. J., Crowe, S., and Matouskova, G. (2014) ‘Social Workers’ knowledge and confidence when working with cases of child sexual abuse’ London: NSPCC. 
  • Brady, G. (2014) Children and ADHD: seeking control within the constraints of diagnosis. Children and Society 28, 218-230. 
  • Brown, G., Brady, G., and Letherby, G. (2014) Young Mothers in the UK: push and pull factors relating to choices to stay at home or not in Reid-Boyd, E., and Letherby, G. Stay at Home Mothers: dialogues and debates. Demeter Press. 
  • Brady, G and Brown, G (2013) Rewarding but let’s talk about the challenges: using arts based methods in research with young mothers, Methodological Innovations Online, 8 (1), 99-112. 
  • Brady, G (2013) ‘Children’s non-conforming behaviour: personal trouble or public issue?’ in McCarthy, J., Hooper, C-A., and Gillies, V. (eds) Family Troubles? Exploring changes and challenges in the family lives of children and young people.  Bristol: Policy Press. 
  • Brady, G., Brown, G., and Wilson, C. (2011) 'Young mothers' experiential knowledge and the research process' in Barnes, M., and Cotterell, P. (eds) Critical Perspectives on User Involvement.  Bristol: Policy Press. 
  • Brown, G., Brady, G., and Letherby, G. (2011) 'Young mothers experiences of power, control and violence within intimate and familial relationships' Child Care in Practice Special Issue: Effective interventions with children and families exposed to domestic violence 17 (4), 359-374. 
  • Brady, G., Brown, G., Letherby, G., Bayley, J., and Wallace, L.M.  (2008) Young women’s experience of termination and miscarriage: a qualitative study. Human Fertility 11(3), 186-190. 
  • Brady, G., Bywaters, P., Knyspel, M., Letherby, G., and Stevenson, G. (2007) ‘Outcomes’ in Letherby, G., and Bywaters, P. Extending Social Research Open University Press.  ISBN 0335215297.
  • Brady, G. (2005) ADHD diagnosis and identity in Newnes, C., and Radcliffe, N. (eds), Making and Breaking Children’s Lives. Ross on Wye: PCCS.
  • NSPCC Literature Review: children’s views on speaking out and on help.
  • Understanding young people’s knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, behaviours and influences in relation to the use of contraception, the use of contraception services and to pregnancy (Coventry City Council)
  • Independent evaluation of KAIROS WWT prison in-reach project delivered at HMP Peterborough and Floating Support Service

  • An evaluation of Bringing Hope's Second Chance Prison and Community Damascus Programme - evaluating the impact of the Damascua Road Second Chance Programme on offenders at HMP Birmingham.
  • Young People's Understanding of Sexual Consent and Sexual Exploitation Exploring young people's understanding of sexual consent
  • The role of land-based interventions in the transition from prison to the community
    Exploring the role of land based interventions in supporting the transition from prison to the community, with a focus on wellbeing, desistance and resettlement. 
  • The relationship between poverty, child abuse and neglect
    A rapid evidence review of the relationship between poverty and child abuse and neglect. To what extent is there evidence that poverty increases the amount of child abuse and neglect, and/or affects the nature of child abuse and neglect. How does this occur, how large are these effects and to whom do they apply? To what extent is there evidence that child abuse and neglect increases poverty later in life, how large are these effects and to whom do they apply? 
  • Identifying and understanding inequalities in child welfare interventions: comparative studies in four UK countries: The long term aim of the project is to establish child welfare inequalities as a core concept in policy making, practice and research in the UK and internationally. This will involve a paradigm shift from a dominant focus on individual risk, parenting skills and related professional behaviours to include the analysis of populations, social structures and welfare systems. 
  • Young people’s understanding of sexual consent, coercion and sexual exploitation: Using qualitative and participatory methods to understand young people’s views of the meaning and practices of sexual consent and sexual pressure, aiming for an in-depth understanding to contribute to wider understandings of this issue. 
  • Collaborative relationship with Stockholm University: This cross cultural collaboration provides an opportunity for Geraldine to continue links with an established academic, Emeritus Professor Sonja Olin Lauritzen, who has closely aligned research interests in child health and well-being. The collaboration is leading to explorations of children’s experiences of health across cultures and is aiming to develop new insights into children’s experiences of health and illness. 
  • Evaluation of Master Gardener Programme at Rye Hill prison
  • Deprivation and Children's Services Outcomes: what can mapping Looked After Children and children on Child Protection Plans tell us?
  • Social Workers' knowledge and confidence when working with cases of child sexual abuse; what are the issues and challenges
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