RE-designing Access to Cultural Heritage for a wider participation in preservation, (re-)use and management of European culture (REACH)

The three-year REACH project will establish a Social Platform as a sustainable space for meeting, discussion and collaboration by a wide-ranging network of all those with a stake in research and practice in the field of culture and cultural heritage. 

Talking Back: Hip Hop through research and practice

This three day event is grounded in feminist and critical theorist Bell Hook’s idea of “Talking Back” and will open up a space to learn more about the five pillars of Hip Hop (Knowledge, Graffiti, break dance, Djing and Emceeing).

'Strictly' Inclusive: Policy Brief

This project expands on the outcomes of the ‘Strictly’ Inclusive: Co-creating the Past, Present and Future project.

The Shape of Sound

The Shape of Sound, is an interdisciplinary exploration into the relationship between movement, touch and sound. 

Non-communicable lung disease in Kenya: from burden and early life determinants to participatory inter-disciplinary solutions

Non-communicable lung disease in Kenya: from burden and early life determinants to participatory inter-disciplinary solutions

Interactive Dialogues: Ethics and Equity in Practice Research - Dance and Theatre

The necessity to engage in a dialogue around the issues of Ethics and Equity in Dance and Theatre have been identified in the field of artistic practice and in the academic sector of Practice Research. This project is directed to PGRs, artists and ECRs.

Embodied trust in TAS: robots, dance, different bodies

The project explores the idea of deeply embodied trust in autonomous systems through a process of bringing expert moving bodies into harmony with robots.

Urban Village: The Roma's Allotment Project

Urban Villages aims to bring together Roma and non-Roma to co-create a short film, images and a digital scrapbook exhibition that focuses on the experiences, identity and voices of the Roma people told by the Roma people.

CoDa | Cultures of Dance. European Research Network for Dance Studies

This Scientific Research Network (WOG) aims to advance the emerging field of dance studies both in a Flemish and European context through the creation of an interuniversity platform that facilitates the interaction between dance scholars.

Contemporary Dance and Whiteness

Contemporary dance is anecdotally described as a white field of practice. Although there is a growing body of arts research that examines whiteness as racial privilege, there is little that investigates the phenomenon of whiteness in contemporary dance.

Dance after Lockdown

Dance and Lockdown is a small-scale qualitative study designed to generate richly detailed experiential data from two key layers of the dance industry’s ecology: artists and organisations.

Women leadership and the UK dance sector

We are dedicated to the leadership development of girls aged 12-18 years old and women 19+ by using the transformative capability of dance as a tool to empower their voices.

Boaters and Showmen Influencing policy and the GRTSB schools and HE Pledge through their Cultural Heritage

The Pledge for Schools is a commitment schools sign up to, to work towards creating a welcoming environment and conditions in which Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater (GTRSB) pupils can stay resilient and thrive academically. 

Celebrate and Recalibrate Flamenco Project

Flamenco singing, guitar playing and dancing are the three main pillars of  the artform.  Yet, its history has a complex and often debated past.

‘Strictly’ Inclusive: Co-creating the past, present and future

The BBC, in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), are celebrating their centenary year with a series of new public engagement research projects, recently announced. This programme of activities seeks to connect the public with the BBC’s past, present and future. Coventry University are pleased to have been awarded funding to explore the BBC’s work in televising dance, looking at the impact of Strictly Come Dancing on public audiences and its recent focus on inclusion through dance.

Dialogue Moves: Embodying Diversity through Amerta Movement in Indonesia

This fellowship investigates how Amerta Movement practice supports dialogue between diverse ethnic and religious communities in Indonesia. This is especially important in a country where ‘unity in diversity’ is the national motto.

Cooking Connections Coventry: Home-based Sensory Food Experiences for Wellbeing

Connections Coventry explores how creative food-based sensory activities can support wellbeing for older people in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

ÜberReste. Strategien des Bleibens in den darstellenden Künsten (On Remnants and Vestiges. Strategies of Remaining in the Performing Arts)

The project investigates the challenges inherent in remaining and preserving in the fields of dance, music theatre and performance that otherwise operate under the primacy of presence. 

Innovative Approaches to Evaluating Impact: Testing The ‘Evaluative Performance’ Method and Approach in Transdisciplinary Environments

This project will run ‘Evaluative Performance’ investigations in different research settings: Contemporary art, engineering and computer science, equality and diversity initiatives and anti-social behavioural interventions at live events.

Dance Educator’s Network - Critical Dance Pedagogy Network through Discourse and Practice

The AHRC-funded Dance Educator’s Critical Dance Pedagogy Network challenges biases in dance education.