
r_lightBioCom’s ultimate aim is to enable the design and production of sustainable composite structures. Ultimately, this will lead to more efficient systems such as lighter and more durable planes and cars which can be re-used or recycled.

Multi-Area Connected Automated Mobility (MACAM)

The Multi-Area Connected Automated Mobility (MACAM) project is a collaborative initiative. It encompasses a multi-city, multi-operator, and multi-purpose self-driving trial. 

Gendered Innovation Living Labs (GILL)

GILL will be implemented through an iterative co-creation approach structured on a four-phases cycle - understand, co-design, implement, evaluate - repeated twice to incorporate the feedbacks and evaluation results in fine-tuned and validated results.

Midlands Future Mobility

IFTC’s role in MFM supports future CAV testbed trials by developing guidance and case studies to assist users with test definition and planning.