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Legacies of Sport Mega Events


European Union - Carnival Project


£3200 (2 Months)

Project team

Leonardo Mataruna;

Husni Kharouf;

Ian Brittain.

Project objectives

The objective of the study is to identify the reason of anti-consumerism resistance that appear in Brazil during the World FIFA Football Cup and before the Olympic and Paralympic Games. To compare the movements from the perspective of the riots, protests objectives and the proportion of attendance can brings important elements for the organise committees of mega events in the futures and also, move forward the actions in the sport marketing and sport management fields.

Impact statement

Sport legacies applied to different communities in Brazil.

In 2016, Rio de Janeiro will host the Olympic and Paralympic Game. A research group of Rio de Janeiro Federal University started an investigation leader by Prof Francisco Melo and Prof Leonardo Mataruna about Legacies of mega events. That project received support by an initiative of European Commission funded IRSES project: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES (612614) – CARNIVAL. It is part of a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) and consider in offer opportunities for students and researchers to develop their projects in connection with a macro project. In this moment Dr Mataruna is working with anti-consumerism of mega events in Brazil to identify the reason that movement in this society and the impacts in the economy of the mega events.

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