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Foundation courses

If you have been out of education for some time, or do not meet the entry requirements for undergraduate degrees, our foundation courses are a great way to return to study and gain the skills and knowledge required to be successful on a nursing degree.

The Nursing Associate Foundation Degree can also be a route into a rewarding career in nursing.

Access to Nursing course at Coventry or Scarborough

This course is particularly suited to mature learners returning to education. You may have had a career in a different field, but have always harboured a desire to become a nurse.

The access to Nursing course is designed to give you the underpinning knowledge and study skills required for a nursing degree.

In addition to studying human anatomy and physiology you will also refresh your maths skills, in particular the calculations used by nurses every day in their roles. You will explore the researching and independent study skills you will need as an undergraduate student, so when you complete the course you will be confident and prepared to start your degree.

On successful completion of the Access to Nursing course you are guaranteed an interview for a place on one of the undergraduate nursing degrees at Coventry University or CU Scarborough.

Male nursing student speaking to a patient in a hospital bed

Nursing and Allied Health Professions Foundation Year at Coventry, Scarborough or London

If you do not have the entry requirements for entry to a nursing or allied health professions course the Nursing and Allied Health Professions Foundation Year.

This course is designed to give you insight into the variety of careers in nursing and health, and the skills and knowledge required for each role. You will also gain an understanding of how different professions work together to ensure service users get the care and support they need.

On successful completion of the Nursing and Allied Health Professions Foundation Year you are guaranteed an interview for a place on one of the undergraduate nursing or allied health professions degrees at Coventry University or CU Scarborough (the grades required for admission to courses varies).

Close up of a student taking the pulse of a patient

Nursing Associate Foundation Degree in Coventry, London (Vauxhall) or Scarborough

The Nursing Associate role gives you the chance to make a real difference to the quality of life and care of people in a wide range of healthcare settings. Successful completion of the two-year Nursing Associate foundation degree enables graduates to register as a Nursing Associate with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (additional costs may apply).

This course also offers a pathway to other nursing roles, including that of a graduate nurse through progression onto a pre-registration programme. After successfully completing this course and registering as a Nursing Associate, it may be possible to transfer on to the second year of a BSc Nursing degree. This is subject to interview, NMC requirements and standards and your chosen field of nursing, therefore this cannot be guaranteed.

Close up of person in Coventry University uniform lifting a watch fob

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