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Professor Jane Coad

Professor Jane Coad is Professor in Children and Family Nursing and Director of Children and Families Research (CFR), Coventry University, UK. Jane has a strong background in both art and nursing and undertakes a number of surveys and projects. These include innovative e-technology survey and evaluations and qualitative art-based participatory research, including handling large data sets, with children, young people and families. User-led approaches include consultation, collaborative and user-led projects. Predominantly, research is focused on children and families that have long term, complex and palliative care needs, and settings have included acute, community and public health settings in the UK and internationally such as Ireland, USA and Sri Lanka. In terms of professional recognition, Jane was awarded a Royal College of Nursing Fellowship in 2013 for lifetime research and leads on a number of local, national and international groups holding substantive posts.

  • Development of e.learning resources and innovative evaluation in Complex and Palliative Care in children, young  people and families: Department of Health. (Grants totalling £1.4 million). National and international impact.
  • Listening to Young Children and their Families: (Two phases £113,998 and £69.000)
: A national programme working with Health Visitors and Early Years Professionals to enhance listening skills and evaluation. National significance.
  • Breathing matters! Improving care with a training needs analysis of ventilated children, young people, families and professionals (£194,000): Department of Health funded project of professionals confidence and competence caring for children with long term ventilation needs. National impact.
  • Association for Children's Palliative Care (ACT) BIG Study for Life-limited Children and their Families (£499,320): Study of West Midlands palliative care needs of children, young people and families.
  • Teenage Cancer Trust North-West Pilot Site Evaluation (£71,736): A participatory action research project in the NW of England evaluating Teenage and Young Adult cancer services. National impact.
  • West Midlands Paediatric Palliative Care Network/Acorns Hospice (Dept of Health) £57,000: Large qualitative data set collaborative project collating information on activity/care around palliative care of children.
  • Evidence based intervention for pre-school children with primary speech and language impairment : NiHR Programme grant with UWE, Bristol to develop evidence based intervention for pre-school children with primary speech and language impairment 
Link: ChildTalk.
  • Public involvement in research: NIHR programme grant to evaluate user involvement in projects and impact with UWE, Bristol.
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