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Stabilisation Agriculture Programme

Stabilisation Agriculture Programme

Exploring regenerative agroecological relationships in fragile environments that support inclusive, responsive and peaceful human settlements.

Our Research

Our research contributes to an understanding of how diversified food and farming landscapes and livelihoods can reduce vulnerabilities to both natural hazards and human-induced disasters. We apply regenerative agroecological principles and practices in areas of political, social and ecological fragility. In this way, our research considers how to establish more resilient food and water systems, and strengthen relationships between people and the landscapes upon which they depend.

Our research demonstrates that agroecological practices are highly effective in absorbing the impacts of flooding and high winds, stabilising crop yields during periods of drought, enabling more rapid post-disaster recovery, and fostering social processes to improve adaptive capacity and social cohesion in divided societies. In both rural and urban environments, we apply a regenerative lens to disaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.

Our Focus

The majority of people in fragile environments depend on farming livelihoods. Many are also affected by histories of violence, exclusion and structured poverty. This, alongside the deepening climate crisis, exacerbates vulnerabilities to both rapid- and slow-onset disasters, and is further compounded by the chronic erosion of locally- rooted knowledge systems. These factors combine to drive increasing numbers of people onto marginal lands and into ever-more precarious livelihoods, heightening their exposure to cycles of risk. Our work emphasises the role of human agency to collectively restore and sustain relationships for resource stabilisation, while exploring transformative approaches that address the underlying factors that hold poverty and marginalisation in place.

In relation to the pressing challenges that require more focus, we map, design, and evaluate applied systems related to:

Stabilisation Agriculture Brochure cover
Stabilisation Agriculture Brochure

Exploring regenerative agroecological relationships in fragile environments that support inclusive, responsive and peacefulhuman settlement.

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023