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The British Council Coventry University Pharmacoeconomics Programme (BCCUPP)

British Council Newton-Mosharafa Fund


Dr. Amir Khan, Dr. Dalia Dawoud, Dr. Afthab Hussein and Professor Samar Farid

Build capacity within Egypt to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of new medicines, and within clinical pharmacy to promote the managed entry of new drugs, and establish long term links between Coventry University and universities in Egypt. The aim is to;

  • In partnership, to develop and to pilot a training programme that advances the understanding of pharmacoeconomics within Egypt,
  • To enhance the understanding and the quality of research in Egypt related to the economic evaluations of pharmaceuticals, and
  • To develop research that provides insights into the efficient use of healthcare resources in Egypt.

The planned impact is:

  • To help improve the health and economic well-being of the Egyptian nation through improving the skills and knowledge base of academic staff and pharmacists in Egypt, and 
  • To build sustainable, on-the-ground capacity in Egypt through institutional links and support from staff at Coventry University.

Knowledge transfer will occur during a 5 day workshop in pharmacoeconomics, which will be provided in the UK, for delegates from Egyptian universities or hospitals. The workshop will be run twice, for two separate cohorts of 10 pharmacists. Attendance is subsidised by the programme partners, including funding from the British Council Newton Fund and educational support from GSK.

The first workshop will be held in London and Coventry on 25 to 29 July 2016 (inclusive). This will be based upon five full days teaching in pharmacoeconomics, including an educational visit to the R&D facilities of GSK. The second workshop will be held in summer 2017.

To be eligible, attendees should be working in Egypt as a pharmacy academic or pharmacist. They must also be able to demonstrate that they:

  1. Have an active interest in pharmacoeconomics teaching or research,
  2. Are undertaking at least one of the following: (a) a PhD or master’s programme that includes health outcome measurement, a costing study, or a full economic evaluation; (b) research that will lead to a published peer-reviewed paper (with co-authors) linked to pharmacoeconomics; (c) teaching pharmacoeconomics to a name group of students on a university or professional course,
  3. Will seek supervision or co-authorship from a member of Faculty from Cairo University as well as supervision or co-authorship from Dr Dalia Dawoud or Professor Darrin Baines, or both, and
  4. Will undertake planned activities that will lead to capacity building of pharmacoeconomics in Egypt.

Allocation of places is competitive and based upon the above criteria. If you wish to apply for a place during the 2016 or 2017 cohorts, please email Professor Darrin Baines for an application form.

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