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Programme: National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security

 Day one:  Taking stock of Action Plans on women, peace and security 
9:30 – 10:00  Introduction and welcome by Dr Sahla Aroussi (CTPSR, Coventry University) and Dr Melanie Hoewer (IBIS, UCD). 
10:00 - 10: 15  Keynote address Mr Michael Gaul, NATO SPS Programme
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee
10:30 – 12:00  Session One: National experiences of NAPs: The Irish and The UK experience 
  • Ms Rosy Cave, UK Stabilisation Unit: “The UK strategy on women, peace and security”. 
  • Ms Bronagh Hinds,DemocraShe: “Women, peace and Security in Northern Ireland”
  • Commander Eoghan McDermott, the Irish Military: “NAPs implementation and the Irish military”.
  • Ms Nora Owen, Independent Chair of the Oversight Group for hte National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security: “The Irish experience with NAPs”.
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 
13: 00 – 14:30 Session Two: National experiences of NAPs: Finland, Sweden and Germany and Estonia
  • Ms Sara Haapalanein, “Finland's National Action Plan on 1325 - Delivering on Lofty Goals?”
  • Ms Annika Schabbauer, Sweden Operation 1325 “The Swedish experience with NAP” 
  •  Mr Thomas Rohland, “Germany’s national experience with NAP”
  • MsKersti Siilivask, “Estonia national action plan for the implementation of resolution 1325”.
14: 30- 14:45   Coffee
14:45- 15:45 Session Three: International Organisations’ perspective (NATO, and UN Women). 
  • Ms Svanhvit Adalsteins, NATO, “UNSCR 1325 at NATO: The glass half full; the glass half empty”.
  • Ms Mireille Affa’a Mindzie, Policy Specialist, Peace and Security Section UN Women.

Session Five: Roundtable discussion:  Sharing the know-how: best practices in developing, revising and implementing NAPs

 Day Two: Critical reflections on NAPs and strategies for the future
9:30- 10:30 Session One: NAPs in context
  • Professor Aisling Swaine: “Where have we come from, and where are we going to? Challenges and Opportunities in the Reliance on NAPs to take forward the WPS Agenda”.  
  • Dr Catherine O’Rourke: “A Critical Friend? Exploring the CEDAW Committee's role in NAP development, monitoring and enforcement”.
10:30- 10: 45 Coffee
10:45- 12:15 Session Two: Lessons from the field
  • Dr Laura Davis: “From a place at the table to participation: the opportunities and constraints of the 1325 framework in the Democratic Republic of Congo.” 
  •  Dr Helen Basini, “Local ownership and NAPs in Sierra Leone and Liberia”. 
  • Dr Anja Ebnöther: “The opportunities and challenges of NAPs: experiences of working on gender and security sector reform in West Africa”.
  • Dr Maria Adriana Deiana. "paradoxes of Inclusion: Women, Peace and Security in Post-Dayton Bosnia-Herzegovina
12:15- 13:15 Lunch
13:15 - 14:45 Session Three: Roundtable discussion: National Action Plans: strategies for the future 
14:45- 15:15 Concluding discussion 
15:15 Farewell drinks
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