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Smarter Households is funded by the EPSRC. Details of the £1.1 million grant can be found on the EPSRC’s website.

Coventry University logo

Coventry University is a forward-looking, modern university with a proud tradition as a provider of high quality education and a focus on excellent research with impact. Coventry University leads the project, hosting expertise across the Faculty of Engineering and Computing and Serious Games Institute in low carbon cities and low impact buildings, sustainable built environments and the development of educational digital games. Coventry University was The Times and The Sunday Times Modern University of the Year 2014, 2015 and 2016.

University of Edinburgh logo

The University of Edinburgh is one of the world's top 20 universities in research, teaching and global outreach. Its contribution to this project includes the assessment of conflicts and trade-offs in resource allocation (in this case, energy in the household) and the adoption and diffusion of greener technologies (in this case, smart meters and appliances).

University of Birmingham logo

The University of Birmingham is The Times University of the Year 2013-14 and has a long tradition of research and innovation. The University of Birmingham provides expertise in domestic energy consumption, vulnerability and access to energy, and social science qualitative methods relevant to engaging with households.

Orbit logo

Orbit Group is one of the largest housing associations in the country, providing more than 38 000 homes. Orbit's involvement will bring its experience of using different metering and energy control technologies within domestic properties. Orbit will contribute the buildings and volunteer households for this research, and is in a position to adopt successful outcomes in its properties. Orbit aims to utilise the research in its energy advice strategy to reduce fuel poverty across its wide housing portfolio.

E.ON logo

E.ON is one of the UK's leading power and gas companies- generating electricity, retailing power and gas, developing gas storage and undertaking gas and oil exploration and production. E.ON Technologies is supporting this project by sharing insight into the Smart and Connected world. Its Technologies team is providing expertise in trial management, monitoring and data collection throughout the project.

Aston Business School

Aston Business School is among 1% of business schools worldwide with triple accreditation, and is renowned for the quality of its teaching and research as well as its supportive environment. The role of Aston Business School in this project is to bring proficiency in serious game development and gamification, virtual environments, human computer interaction and 3D interfaces.

The University of Portsmouth is ranked among the top 400 universities in the world in the 2014 Times Higher Education World University Rankings, with an average of 40 per cent of its research rated internationally excellent or world-leading. The University contributes expertise in sustainable built environments, occupant response, and closing the gap between design intent and in-use performance of buildings.

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