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Cloud E-learning in Mechatronics (CLEM)


European Union Leonardo Lifelong Learning Programme


€500,000 (2011-2014)


University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy;

University of Ruse, Bulgaria; IFMA, France;

Hildebrand, London; ESTA, Germany.


Our vision is to promote the study of Mechatronics throughout Europe and to enable more people to do this through the use of Cloud technology.

The practical study of Mechatronics is enhanced by the development of actuator-enabled mechanical devices, sensitive to control stimuli. Mechatronic laboratories, which enrich this learning, are not available to all colleges and schools.

This project is exploring how such facilities can be delivered through Cloud technology. The project also promotes sharing of education resources in Mechatronics through the Cloud to give learners and teachers a variety of tools with which to develop their skills and knowledge.


The project has led to a general increased understanding of Cloud Mechatronics and Cloud E-learning amongst the recipients of our dissemination.

Such is the appetite for increased enlightenment and development amongst the community, that the partnership has been able to host a successful research workshop in Cloud Mechatronics (The 1st Workshop on Cloud Computing for Mechatronic Systems - CCMS'13 ), publish two research papers (James et al 2013; Chao et al 2014 – see references below) and has run many dissemination events reaching around 1500 stakeholders with face-to-face communication. Our informative website has attracted a similar number of unique visitors.

The consortium is committed to maintaining and developing the platform for at least one year post-project. The vision is to grow CLEM as a self-sustaining ecosystem and method (James et al 2013). Early evidence of exploitation and transfer of innovation includes the request for utilisation of the approach at academic establishments (partner institutions), the development of remote 3D printing as a commercial venture (Hildebrand), the transfer of the innovation to the area of Avionics (new consortium of institutions) and the development of a CLEM system at the HUST (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Wuhan, China. More detail on exploitation and innovation can be found in our reports at the EU ADAM repository.

James, A. E., Chao, K., Li, W., Matei, A., Nanos, A. G., Sergiu-Dan, S., Figlioloni, G, Rea, P. Bouzgarrou, C. B., Bratanov, D. Cooper, J., Wenzel, A., van Capelle, J., Strueckmaier, K., An Ecosystem for E-learning in Mechatronics: The CLEM project, IEEE Conference on E-business Engineering, Coventry, 11-13th September, 2014

Chao, K-M., James, A.E., Nanos, A.G., Chen J-H.,Sergiu-Dan, S., Muntean, I., Figliolini, G., Rea, P., Bouzgarrou, C., Vitliemov, P., Cooper, J., van Capelle, J., Cloud E-learning for Mechatronics: CLEM, Future Generation Computer Systems (to be published)

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