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Project Outputs

  • Bason, T, Cook, D and Anagnostopoulos, C, 2015, 'Legacy in Major Sport Events: Empirical Insights from the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa' Chorgeia 11(1):44-61 D.O.I:
  • Beacom, A. & Brittain, I., 2016, Public Diplomacy and the International Paralympic Committee: reconciling the roles of disability advocate and sports regulator, Diplomacy and Statecraft, Vol. 27(2); p. 273-294.    DOI:10.1080/09592296.2016.1169795
  • Bocarro, J.N., & Edwards, M.B., 2015, “Sport participation”. In T. Byers (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in Sport: An Introduction. Sage Publications: London, pp. 203-216.
  • Brittain, I., 2016, Military Links to Competitive Sport and Games as Part of the Rehabilitation and Recovery Process. Navigator (Special Edition on Military Sports History in the lead up to the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games), Vol. 12(23); p. 108-115.
  • Brittain, I., 2016, Legacy and the London 2012 Paralympic Games: A critical analysis. Journal of the Nippon Foundation Paralympic Research Group, Vol. 5; p. 23-42.
  • Brittain, I. & Beacom, A., 2016, Leveraging the London 2012 Paralympic Games: What legacy for people with disabilities? Journal of Sport and Social Issues. DOI: 10.1177/0193723516655580
  • Brittain, I., 2016, The Paralympic Games Explained (Second Edition), Routledge; UK
  • Brittain, I., 2015, “Disability Sport”. In T. Byers, (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in Sport: An Introduction, Sage Publications: London, pp. 315-332
  • Brittain, I., 2015, Olympic Agenda 2020 Recommendations and the Paralympic Movement in Deslandes, A., DaCosta, L. & Miragaya, A. (Eds.), The Future of Sports Mega-Events, Rio de Janeiro: Engenho Arte e Cultura; pp.452-458.
  • George, R. and Swart, K., 2015, Tourists’ perceptions of London, United Kingdom, as a safe host city during the 2012 Olympic Games. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol. 32(8): 1117-1132.
  • Guimaraes-Mataruna, A.F., Mataruna-Dos-Santos L., Melo. T., Santos Neto S.C. and Santos, J.M.P., 2016, Apps of Continental Sport Mega Events: Are they promoting educational legacies? FIEP Bulletin (Special  Edition).
  • Hemmonsbey, J. D. and Knott, B., 2016, Branding an African city through sport: the role of stakeholder engagement. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Vol. 5(3): 1-14.
  • Ismail, S. & Swart, K. 2015, Local residents’ perceptions of the socio-economic impacts of the Breedekloof Outdoor and Wine Festival, Western Cape, South Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) December 2015 (Supplement 1): pp. 100-111.
  • Knott, B., Fyall, A., and Jones, I., 2016, Leveraging nation branding opportunities through sport mega-events. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol. 10(1): 105-118.
  • Knott, B. and Hemmonsbey, J., 2016, Leveraging sport to build city brands: The case of Cape Town. Global Place Branding Campaigns across Cities, Regions, and Nations, 288.
  • Knott, B.K. 2015 The strategic contribution of sport mega-events to national branding: the case of South Africa and the 2010 FIFA World Cup (Doctoral dissertation, Bournemouth University).
  • Knott, B. & Hemmonsbey, J.D. 2015, The strategic value of sport for an African city brand. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, Supplement 1 (December), pp. 192-205.
  • Knott, B., Swart, K. & Visser, S. 2015, The impact of sport mega-events on the quality of life for host city residents: reflections on the 2010 FIFA World Cup. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 4(Special edition): pp. 1-16.
  • Kulczycki, W. and Koenigstorfer, J., 2016, Doing good in the right place: city residents’ evaluations of professional football teams’ local (vs. distant) corporate social responsibility activities. European Sport Management Quarterly, vol. 16 (4): 502-524.
  • Kulczycki, W. and Koenigstorfer, J., 2016, Why sponsors should worry about corruption as a mega sport event syndrome. European Sport Management Quarterly, vol. 16 (5): 545-574.
  • Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., Guerra, D. and Melo, T., 2016, Social Legacies, culture and identities - ethnographic perceptions from the London Olympic boroughs. FIEP Bulletin. no.2. (November).
  • Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L. (Ed.), 2016, Military Sport History and Rio 2016. Navigator Journal (Special Edition) Vol.12 (23): 1-160.
  • Mataruna-Dos-Santos L., Wanick W. and Guimaraes-Mataruna A.F., 2016, Electronic Games and Legacies: the case of Rio 2016 Games. Revista Z Journal. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ.
  • Mataruna-Dos-Santos L., Campos, A.P.P. and Lopez, G.H.R., 2016, Legacy of the Rio 2007 Pan-American Games: an evaluation of the usefulness of the Deodoro Sport Cluster. FIEP Bulletin, ISSN - 0256-6419, doi: 10.16887/85.a2.140
  • Mataruna Dos Santos, L.J., Melo, T., Guimaraes, A., Petersen-Wagner, R. & Range D., 2015, Agenda 2020, social media and online strategies for the social value of sports mega-events. In: Deslandes, A.; DaCosta, L.; Miragaya, A. The Future of Sports Mega-Events: innovations for post FIFA Cup 2014 and Olympic and Paralympic Games 2016. Rio de Janeiro: FAPERJ. pp. 422-438.
  • Mataruna Dos Santos, L.J., Range D. & Brittain, I., 2015, Lessons from London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games toward Rio 2016 and Future Candidate Cities. In: Deslandes, A.; DaCosta, L.; Miragaya, A. The Future of Sports Mega-Events: innovations for post FIFA Cup 2014 and Olympic and Paralympic Games 2016. Rio de Janeiro: FAPERJ. pp. 118-121.
  • Mataruna Dos Santos, L.J., 2015, Brazilian Military Sport: Innovations Towards the Olympic Games 2016-2020. In: Deslandes, A.; DaCosta, L.; Miragaya, A. The Future of Sports Mega-Events: innovations for post FIFA Cup 2014 and Olympic and Paralympic Games 2016. Rio de Janeiro: FAPERJ. pp. 439-451.
  • Mataruna Dos Santos, L.J., Melo, T., Range D. & Guimaraes, A., 2015, Rio 2016 and disability – an analysis on the Sport-For-Development discourse and the legacies for disabled people. Journal of Sport for Development, Vol. 3(5).
  • Muresherwa, G., Swart, K. & Daniels, T. 2015, The media impact of the 2014 FIFA World CupTM in selected tourism markets. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) December 2015 (Supplement 1): pp. 181-191.
  • Ntloko, J.N., and Swart, K., 2016, Reflections on government engaging business in planning initiatives for the 2010 FIFA World Cup: a case of  a non-host area. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Vol. 5(3): 1-15. ISSN: 2223-814X
  • Oliveira, A.F.S., Haiachi, M.C. & Nascimento, R.C., 2014, II Ciclo de Debates em Estudos Olímpicos: legados no campo profissional e no desenvolvimento do esporte. 1. ed. São Cristóvão: Editora UFS, pp. 297-312.
  • Othy, J.D.O. and Swart, K., 2016, Sport events as catalysts for tourism and hospitality development in Libreville, Gabon. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, Vol. 5(3): 1-20. ISSN: 2223-814X.
  • Pfitzner, R. and Koenigstorfer, J., 2016, Quality of life of residents living in a city hosting mega-sport events: a longitudinal study. BMC Public Health, vol. 16: 1102. 
  • Santos-Neto, S.C., Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., Petersen-Wagner, R. Nobrega, L.F.M. and DaCosta, L.P., 2016, Olympic City and Mega-event tradition. Brazilian Journal of the Business of Sports, Vol. 1: 21-39.
  • Santos Neto, S.C., Mataruna Dos Santos, L.J. & DaCosta, L.P., 2015, Athlete System Evaluation of Legacies and Performance. Podium: Sport, Leisure and Tourism Review, Vol. 4; pp. 1-16.
  • Santos Neto, S.C., Mataruna Dos Santos, L.J., Petersen-Wagner, R., Nobrega, L.F.M. & DaCosta, L.P., 2015, The Olympic city and the sport events tradition. In: IV Congresso ALGEDE, 2015, São Paulo. Anais do IV Congreso de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Gerencia Deportiva. São Paulo: ALGEDE, Vol. 1; pp. 165-166.
  • Santos Neto, S.C., 2015, Sport Management of Athletes post 2016: legacy perspectives of IOC Agenda 2020. In: Andrea Deslandes; Lamartine DaCosta; Ana Miragaya. (Org.). O Futuro dos Megaeventos - Inovações Pós Copa 2014 e Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos 2016. 1ed. Rio de Janeiro: Engenho Arte e Cultura, pp. 283-288.
  • Santos Neto, S.C., DaCosta, L.P., Bastos, F.C., Reis, R.M. & Ribeiro, C.H.V., 2014, Brazil Olympic and the Performance in 2012 London Games: Analysis of media legacies. Intercontinental Sport Management Journal, Vol. 4; pp. 221-228.
  • Steyn, J. N., Spencer, J. P., Gonzalez, R. and Swart, K., 2016, The ABSA Cape Epic Mountain Bike Challenge: impacts and legacies: tourism. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences, Vol. 22(1.2): 318-334.
  • Sullivan, G.B., 2014, Collective emotions and the World Cup 2014: The relevance of theories and research on collective pride and shame. In Psicologia e Saber Social, Vol. 3(1); pp. 112-117. Swart, K., 2015, “Mega Sport Events”. In T. Byers (Ed.), Contemporary Issues in Sport: An Introduction. Sage Publications: London, pp.191-202.
  • Swart, K., 2016, Mega sport events. In Byers, T. (Ed.). Contemporary issues in sport management: A critical introduction, Sage Publications; London, 191-203.
  • Swart, K., Bob, U. & Allen, D. 2015, A stakeholder analysis of the governance of the 2010 FIFA World Cup: A case study of the City of Cape Town. In Holt, R. & Ruta, D (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Sport and Legacy: Meeting the Challenge of Major Sports Events, Routledge: New York. pp. 70-81
  • Tichaawa, T.M., Moshoeshoe, M.C. & Swart, K. 2015, Nelson Mandela Bay residents’ perceptions of the socio-economic legacy of the 2010 FIFA World Cup: pre- and post-event comparisons. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure, 4(2): pp. 1-13.
  • Wemmer, F., Emrich, E. and Koenigstorfer, J., 2016, The impact of coopetition-based open innovation on performance in non-profit sports clubs. European Sport Management Quarterly, vol. 16 (3):341-363.
In Press:
  • Brittain, I. & Mataruna, L. 2017 (In Press), Initial perceptions from East London Residents of the social legacies of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Cohen, P. & Watt, P., London 2012 and the Post-Olympics City: A Hollow Legacy? Routledge; UK.
  • Brittain, I., Legg, D. & Wolff, E., 2017 (In Press) ‘Paralympian’ – discrimination or a necessary form of differentiation? In Kilvington, D. & Price, J., Sport and Discrimination, Routledge; UK.
  • Brittain, I., 2017 (In Press), Communicating and Managing the Message: Media and Media Representation of Disability and Paralympic Sport, in Adair, D., Frawley, S. & Darcy, S., Managing the Paralympics, Palgrave-MacMillan; UK.
Under Review:
  • Bocarro, J.N., Koenigstorfer, J., Edwards, M.B., Byers, T., Swart, K., Jones, G., & Preuss, H. (Under Revision). The legacy of mega sport events: A systematic review and recommendations.  Sport Management Review.
  • Guimaraes-Mataruna, A.F., Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L. and Range, D., 2016, Pacification process in the Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas: a military intervention toward conflict transformation in the Tsunami of Mega-events. Brazilian Journal of International Relations.
  • Kulczycki, W., Mikas, S. and Koenigstorfer, J., Where to engage in CSR? The influence of social cause proximity on attitude toward small-sized (vs. large-sized) sporting goods retailers. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal.
  • Melo, T. and Mataruna, L., 2016, The Image of Brazil as a Tourism Destination and Foreigners’ Intention to Attend the 2016 Olympic or Paralympic Games: a Perspective from People who Have Travelled to the Country. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management.
  • Mataruna, L. and Melo, T., 2016, Foreigners’ Intentions to Attend the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games: a study of the Image of Brazil and Rio de Janeiro as a Tourist Destination. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal.
Conference Presentations:
  • Bason, T., 2015, ‘‘When do the legacies begin? The legacies from bidding for mega-events’. Legacy Network Conference, Glasgow University/ Policy Scotland, 15-16 October.
  • Beacom, A. & Brittain, I., 2015, Public Diplomacy and the International Paralympic Committee: reconciling the roles of disability advocate and sports regulator: Sport and Diplomacy conference (Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy, SOAS, University of London, 3 – 4 July.
  • Bek, D., Timms, J. and Merendino A., 2016, The Gansbaai Community Sports Facility: Creating a Multi-Dimensional and Enduring Legacy from the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, Faculty of Business and Law Internal Conference, Coventry University, Coventry, 30 June.
  • Bocarro, J.N. (2015). Physical activity: The medication not taken. Keynote address at Technische Universität München Winter PhD School, Kleinwalsertal, Austria.
  • Bocarro, J.N., Byers, T., Edwards, M.B., Koenigstorfer, J., & Swart, K. (2015). The legacy of mega sport events: A systematic review and recommendations. European Association for Sport Management Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Brittain, I., 2016, Legacy, the Paralympic Games and Rio 2016, Brazilian Olympic Academy, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, 9-12 January.
  • Brittain, I., 2015, Legacy and the London 2012 Paralympic Games, Paralympic Legacy Conference, Tsukuba University, Tokyo, Japan, 19 December.
  • Brittain, I., 2015, The Paralympic Games and Legacy: Interrogating the claims of the International Paralympic Committee in the light of the London 2012 and the forthcoming Rio 2016 Paralympic Games. Legacy Network Conference, Glasgow University/ Policy Scotland, 15-16 October.
  • Brittain, I & Le Clair, J., 2015, Discrimination against and within disability communities: Implications for sport and life beyond: Sport and Discrimination Conference, University of Sunderland, London Campus, 1 May.
  • Brittain, I., 2015, Paralympic legacies and Agenda 2020, Symposium and book launch for Deslandes, A., DaCosta, L. & Miragaya, A. (Eds.), The Future of Sports Mega-Events, Rio de Janeiro: Engenho Arte e Cultura, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 26 March.
  • Brittain, I., 2015, Mega-Events, the Paralympic Games and the challenge for PE Teachers and Sports Coaches, Santa Monica International Conference on Fitness and Wellness Opening Ceremony, National Electricity Company Cultural Space, Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 4 September.
  • Brittain, I., 2015, Paralympic Education and the Brazilian Schools System, Santa Monica International Conference on Fitness and Wellness Opening Ceremony, Unicarioca University, Santa Monica Campus, Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 6 September.
  • Brittain, I., 2015, The military, rehabilitation, sport and the Paralympic Games, Paralympic Sport Symposium, Army Physical Education School, Urca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 9 September. Brittain, I., 2015, Legacies of the London 2012 Paralympic Games, Paralympic Legacy Symposium, Tsukuba University, Tokyo, Japan, 19th December 2015.
  • Cook, D., 2015, ‘‘Empirical insights from the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa’. Legacy Network Conference, Glasgow University/ Policy Scotland, 15-16 October.
  • Daniels, T, Hemmonsbey, J., Ishmail, S., Muresherwa, G. & Swart, K, 2015, The use of liquor in sport stadia: A case of a major rugby stadium in Cape Town. The World in Union, Rugby, past, present and future conference, 10-12 September 2015, Brighton, UK.
  • Edwards, M.B., 2016, Rural challenges for active living in the U.S. Wits Rural Public Health and Health Transitions Research Unit (Agincourt), Hoedspruit, South Africa.
  • Edwards, M.B., & Bocarro, J.N. (2015). The good, the bad and the ugly: Youth sport in the USA. Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport. Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Gonzalez, R.M., Luques, A., & Swart, K., 2016, Progress in sports tourism epistemology. The 1st International TESA Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 21-23 September.
  • Guerra, D., 2015, Cultural Landscape Legacies. Paper at Semana Academica da ArquiMax, Universidade Paulista.
  • Guerra, D., 2015, The contribution of Sport Megaevents in the Urban Regeneration: the case of Rio de Janeiro and London. Paper at Semana Academica da ArquiMax, Universidade Paulista.
  • Guimaraes-Mataruna, A.F., Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., Wanick, V., 2016, Sports Mega-events and Advergames: an analysis of the Mario and Sonic and Rio 2016 Olympic Game”, ABEP Conference: Kings College London.
  • Guimaraes-Mataruna, A.F., Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., Haiachi, M., Cirilo dos Santos-Neto, S. and Mello, F., 2016, The UPP (Police Pacification Unit) Programme and the mega events in Brazil: Pacification or Peacebuilding? , 13th International Symposium For Olympic Research, Espirito Santo, Brazil.
  • Guimaraes-Mataruna, A.F., Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., Melo, T., Cirilo dos Santos-Neto, S. and Perelli-dos-Santos, J.M., 2016, Apps of mega-events: an investigation of educational legacies and promotion of health, 31st FIEP Conference, Foz do Iguaçu-Brazil.
  • Guimares-Mataruna, A.F., Petersen-Wagner, R. and Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., 2016, Rio 2016 Olympic Legacies in the Brazilian Print Media, International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport, Bath University, UK.
  • Guimaraes, A. & Mataruna Dos Santos, L.J., 2015, Discourse analysis, content and iconographic analysis in print regarding the promotion of peace through sporting mega-events in Brazil: A longitudinal study. ABEP Conference. London: ABEP-UK.
  • Haiachi, M., Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., Guimaraes-Mataruna, A.F. and Cardoso, V.D. (2016) The Sport Career of Brazilian Paralympic Athlete: the legacies of Paralympic mega events and the financial support to the Paralympians. 8th International Sport Business Symposium, Rio de Janeiro-Brazil, 16th August. 
  • Haiachi, M., Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., Cirilo dos Santos-Neto, S., Cardoso, V.D. and Guimaraes-Mataruna, A.F., 2016, Challenges for the Brazilian Paralympic Athlete’s Career. ICSEMIS, Santos, Brazil, 31 August - 4 September.
  • Hemmonsbey, J., & Knott, B., 2016, The strategic value of sport for an emerging city brand. The 1st International TESA Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 21-23 September.
  • Jones, G. J. and Edwards, M. B., 2016, A structural analysis of how youth sport non-profit organizations utilize multi-sector partnerships to build organizational capacity. European Association for Sport Management (EASM) Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Jones, G., Edwards, M. B., Bocarro, J. N., & Passenger, N. (2015). A toolkit for examining club leveraging of the Rugby World Cup. Rugby World Cup Conference, Brighton, UK.
  • Kharouf, H., Garcia-Perez, A., Robinson, J. and Pritchard, A., 2016, Towards a Better Understanding of Digital Sporting Legacy: a Knowledge Management Perspective. European Conference on Knowledge Management, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, 1- 2 September.
  • Knott, B., 2016, Leveraging nation branding opportunities for merging nations through sport mega-events. 8th International Sport Business Symposium, 16 August, Rio de Janeiro.
  • Knott, B. 2016. IOC Commission on sustainability and legacy workshop. 8th International Sport Business Symposium, 16 August, Rio de Janeiro. (invited workshop participant)
  • Koenigstorfer, J. & Holger Preuss (2015): Olympic Values between Tradition and Modernity. European Association for Sport Management Conference in Dublin, Ireland.
  • Koenigstorfer, J., Tobias Benz, Wojtek Kulczycki, Sabrina Lucke, Rebecca Pfitzner, and Felix Wemmer attended the 5th Sport Economics and Management Symposium in Innsbruck. It was held on 02/26/2015.
  • Koenigstorfer, J., 2015, “Counter-Strategies to Fight Ambush Marketing: The Sponsor Perspective. North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Kulczycki, W., “Corruption in the Host-Country of Mega-Sport Events and Consequences for Sponsors”, 5th Sport Economics and Management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Kulczycki, W., 2015, “Why Sponsors Should Worry about Corruption as a Mega Sport Event Syndrome”. International Doctoral Workshop on Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Psychology, Warsaw, Poland.
  • * Kulczycki, W. & Joerg Koenigstorfer (2015): Why Sponsors Should Worry about Corruption as a Mega Event Syndrome, European Association for Sport Management Conference in Dublin, Ireland.
  • Maralack, D., Swart, K., & Bob, U., 2016, Development of a standardised methodology to conducting event impact assessments in the Western Cape. The 1st International TESA Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 21-23 September.
  • Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L. and Melo, T., 2016, Sports Mega-Events and Tourism Destination Image of Brazil: Foreigner’s Intentions to Attend the 2016 Olympic Games, ABEP Conference, Kings College, London.
  • Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L. and Guimaraes-Mataruna, A.F., 2016, Will Paralympic Athletes also become Olympic Athletes at the Rio 2016 Games? Disability Sport Conference, Coventry University, UK, 27-29th June.
  • Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., 2016, Business in the Rio de Janeiro Favelas after the intervention of the Pacifying Police Unit: an ethnography of conflict transformation related to sports mega events. Annual Internal Research Conference of Coventry University. Faculty of Business and Law, 29 June.
  • Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., and Melo, T., 2016, 2014 FIFA World Cup and Rio 2016: Government Strategies to Make Tourism a Lasting Legacy in Brazil, Politics, Money and Sport: Spaces, Places and Mega-Events, Oxford, UK.
  • Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., Melo, T. and Guimares-Mataruna, A.F., 2016, People with Disabilities and the Paralympic Legacy in Rio de Janeiro: Is the City and Non-disabled People Ready for It? 21st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vienna, Austria.
  • Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., Melo, T. and Guimaraes-Mataruna, A.F., 2016, Sports legacy for the city and people with disabilities: the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, XVI Congresso de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, Porto-Portugal.
  • Mataruna, Dos-Santos, L.  and Melo, T., 2016, Brazil and the Lasting Legacy of Sport Mega-events: Relevant Aspects to Be Considered on Tourism, International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport, Bath University, UK.
  • Mataruna, Dos-Santos, L.  and Melo, T., 2016, The Lasting Legacy of the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympics: Foreigners’ Perceptions about Tourism and the Events Management in Brazil, International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Mboumba, G.N., Tichaawa, T.M., & Swart, K., 2016, The tourism impacts of the 2012 Confederation of African Football (CAF) Nations Cup in Gabon. The 1st International TESA Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 21-23 September.
  • Melo, T. and Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., 2016, Sport mega-events in Brazil: Foreigners’ perceptions about tourism and events management, 21st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vienna, Austria.
  • Melo, T. and Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., 2016, The Image of Brazil and Rio de Janeiro as a Tourist Destination: Results of a Pilot Study on Foreigners’ Intentions to Attend the 2016 Olympic Games, The 7th Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, Prague.
  • Melo, T. & Mataruna Dos Santos, L.J., 2015, Rio 2016: the construction of the 'Sport-For-Development' discourse in cyberspace, Paper at Sport Politics, Policy and Society Conference, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
  • Merendino A., Timms, J. and Bek, D., 2016, Legacy as a corporate governance issue. Britsh Academy of Management Early Career Research Conference, University of Salford, Manchester, June.
  • Merendino A., Timms, J. and Bek, D., 2016, Corporate Governance of mega-events: the case study of RIO 2016. Faculty of Business and Law Internal Conference, Coventry University, Coventry, 30 June.
  • ** Merendino A., Timms, J. and Bek, D., 2016, Corporate Governance of mega-events: a case study approach of RIO 2016. 13th Workshop of Corporate Governance, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Bocconi, Milan, Italy, October.
  • Muresherwa, G., Ishmail, S., Hemmonsbey, J., Swart, K., & Daniels, T.,  2016, The use of liquor in sport stadia: A case of a major rugby stadium in Cape Town. The 1st International TESA Conference. Cape Town, South Africa. 21-23 September.
  • Muresherwa, G., Swart, K., & Daniels, T., 2016, The media impact of the 2014 FIFA World Cup™ in selected tourism markets. The 1st International TESA Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 21-23 September.
  • Nobrega, L.F.M., Cirilo-Dos-Santos-Neto, S. and Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., 2016, Managing the Legacy of the Military World Games, Rio 2011: Benchmarking of Mega Events, 8th International Sport Business Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Odounga, D. & Swart, K. 2016. Sport events as catalysts for tourism and hospitality development In Libreville, Gabon. The 1st International TESA Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 21-23 September.
  • Pfitzner, R., 2015, “Health impact of the FIFA World Cup 2014 in the host population (cariocas)”; 5th Sport Economics and Management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria.
  • Pfitzner, R., 2015, “Health impact of the FIFA World Cup 2014 in the host population (cariocas)” International Doctoral Workshop on Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Psychology, Warsaw, Poland.
  • Souza-Carneiro, F., Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L. and Guimaraes-Mataruna, A.F., 2016, The Connection of Sport Mega Events and Military Management in Brazil. ICSEMIS, Santos, Brazil, 31 August - 4 September.
  • Swart, K., 2016, Revisiting the 2010 FIFA World Cup research agenda – Lessons for future mega-events. 8th International Sport Business Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, 16 August.
  • Swart, K., 2016, IOC Commission on sustainability and legacy workshop. 8th International Sport Business Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, 16 August.
  • Swart, K., 2016, Impact Evaluation Framework.  The 1st International TESA Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. 21-23 September.
  • Swart, K., 2016, Measuring the return on investment of events using a standard methodological framework. Sport & Events Tourism Exchange (SETE) Conference, Pretoria, South Africa, 25-27 October.
  • Swart, K, 2015, The Rugby World Cup as a mega-event. The World in Union, Rugby, past, present and future conference, 10-12 September 2015, Brighton, UK.
  • Swart, K. 2014, How to take advantage of sport mega events for destination marketing. Innovations in Tourism and Sport Mega Events. 01 – 02 December 2014. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Thomas, G. & Byers, T., 2014, Sporting Mega-Events and Mass Sport Participation@ What Factors Influence the Participation Legacy? Lessons from Atlanta. European Association of Sports Management Conference, Coventry, UK.
  • Timms, J., 2016, The Use of Mega-Events to Improve Working Conditions in Supply Chains: An Analysis of Responsible Employment Policies and their Critics at the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympic Games. British Sociology Association Conference, Birmingham, April.
  • Timms, J., Bek, D. and Merendino A., 2016, CSR legacies from London 2012 to Rio 2016: The role of mega-events in promoting responsible employment policies in global supply chains. Faculty of Business and Law Internal Conference, Coventry University, Coventry, 30 June.
  • Wanick, V. and Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L., 2016, eSports and Olympic Games: a situational analysis of Rio 2016 case study, 2016 ABEP Conference, Kings College, London.
  • Wemmer, F., 2015, “Open Innovation in Non-profit Sports Clubs”. International Doctoral Workshop on Consumer Behaviour and Consumer Psychology, Warsaw, Poland.
  • *Wemmer, F., Emrich, Eike, and Joerg Koenigstorfer (2015): Coopetition-based Open Innovation in Non-profit Sports Clubs. European Association for Sport Management Conference in Dublin, Ireland.
  • Zhang, C. and Wong, D. (2016). Global Talent Mobility in Sport Mega Events – Conceptualisation of Event Nomads. 17th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research for University Forum for Human Resource Development. Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), 6-8 June.
  • Zhang, C. and Wong, D. (2016). Global Talent Mobility in Sport Mega Events. Faculty of Business and Law Research Conference, Coventry University. 30 June.
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