PhD student Juliana Samson looking at a screen showing the virtual patient which is a woman sat in a chair

Coventry University using latest AI tools to create...

Coventry University is creating the next generation of virtual patients to help teach the healthcare workers of the future.

Ebenezer Akore Yeboah wearing a white jacket stood next to a banner for Coventry University's Research Centre for Healthecare and Communities

Coventry University PhD student wins place on Royal...

An accident and emergency nurse has won a prestigious national award for his research into how the NHS can tackle climate change.

Five professors standing together at the Centre for Care Excellence

From nurse to professor - an academic leap forward...

A collaboration between Coventry University and University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust has appointed a nurse into a professorial role for the first...

A student wears a virtual reality helmet and glove, reaching out to one side.

Coventry University experts creating virtual reality...

Simulation and health experts at Coventry University are working together to create simulated patients that students can ‘touch’ in virtual reality.

baby hand and mother

Research shows all underweight babies may be at...

Babies with mild to moderately small birthweight may face an increased likelihood of childhood developmental complications – and may need the same monitoring and support...

Man touching icons on screen.

Coventry University health and wellbeing research...

For the third year running, Coventry University has the honour of hosting the only European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Digital Summer School for...

Coventry University wins funding to evaluate NHS Nursing Training Programme

Coventry University wins funding to evaluate NHS...

Coventry University has been commissioned by the National Health Service (NHS) to evaluate the impact of the new NHS Professional Nurse Advocates (PNA) programme.