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Our services


We provide coaching services to support the on-going application and development of knowledge and skills for your employees.

From middle managers to senior executives coaching, our qualified coaches are a core part of our approach. We help to create an environment of supportive challenge and positive disruption which individuals can test, try and develop their capabilities.

Performance enabling coaching

Performance enabling coaching is about improving performance on an individual, team and organisational level – therefore helping you to grow your business.

Our approach to performance coaching, whether we are working on a one-to-one basis, or within a group, is to achieve sustainable growth and improved performance on an individual, team and organisational level.

We work with you to understand your needs and desired outcomes to ensure we are able to measure the impact of our coaching programme.

We have achieved tangible business results with this approach. Our experience shows this can make an impact on your bottom line and support you in taking a pragmatic view of your organisational realities, challenges and goals.

Assessment and Development Centre

The Simulation Centre can be used to help organisations recruit the right candidate into a job role – changing the face of assessment and development from traditional methods.

It can also be used to identify employees for promotion, select emerging leaders, recruit externally for graduates and apprentices, develop succession plans, and manage talent pools. The Centre provides a greater prediction of employee performance than standard selection methods, such as interviews.

Our approach is tailored exactly to your needs. We take the time to understand your values, job roles, competency frameworks and business challenges so that we can design a unique assessment and development solution that gives your organisation greater confidence in your talent management process.

The Centre includes exercises designed to challenge, engage and strengthen your workforce by using a variety of tools, including:

  • group exercises;
  • presentation exercises;
  • behavioural interviews;
  • team meetings;
  • group discussions;
  • psychometric assessment;
  • virtual assessment.

Combining these tools provides a powerful experience for the applicants as well as development feedback reports for employees, line managers and human resources that support talent management.

Objective feedback reports are provided based on individual performance in assessment and development centre activities.

Each report identifies the individual’s standing against your organisational standards of performance. These can be worked on in isolation, or with a line manager to support an individual’s development. They also support selection, personal development planning and succession planning processes – providing an objective rationale for recruitment decisions.

Diagnostics and psychometrics

We use diagnostic tools and psychometrics to help your organisation make informed choices and decisions about your employees and talent pipeline.

Qualified practitioners work with you to create a programme that meets your needs whilst ensuring adherence to the guidelines and standards outlines by the British Psychological Society.

Psychometric tools can be used to measure an individual’s ability, aptitude, personality, motivation, attitudes and interests. They explore areas such as numeracy and verbal ability, personality, leadership, decision making styles, cultural compatibility, motivation, emotional intelligence and team roles.

Benefits include:

  • achieving greater predictive validity in the recruitment and selection process;
  • enabling informed decision-making during succession planning activity;
  • raising levels of self-awareness in employees through the feedback process;
  • providing employee development and growth through one-to-one feedback;
  • supporting the creation of job descriptions and person specifications;
  • gathering high-level performance data to support HR decision making.
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