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How it works

Within the Centre we can create any environment or situation – developing a melting pot of knowledge, skills and behavioural change.

We bring learning and development to life using:

  • a 120° curved, 10 metres projection screen and 30 square metres activity space; 
  • an observation deck with four stations;
  • nine activity hubs and a large meeting room, all complete with audio and video recording capabilities;
  • breakout rooms with feedback and replay facilities.

The activity hubs are self-contained environments which can be anything we make them – an office, hospital ward, community, site office, airport or nuclear reactor – they are that flexible.

To expand the reach of the experience, we are able to develop with you digital environments which are relayed on the 120° projection screen and 10 metres long. Complete with sound and functions controlled by participants, we widen the scope of the development opportunity.

From disaster scene to retail environment, hospital to residential area, process improvement to customer engagement – the possibilities are endless.

The observation deck allows our team of simulation specialists, coaches, business psychologists and actors to interact with participants either remotely or face-to-face, developing and moving situations and circumstances so that pressures; needs and interactions move and develop people in a supportive, yet challenging way.

Participants practice, live and absorb their learning – starting with behaviours, and then facilitating the input and development of knowledge and skills.


Organisational diagnostics are fundamental to the success of the programmes we support and deliver, and working with you and your colleagues we undertake relevant diagnostics. These include:

  • 360° feedback;
  • emotional intelligence;
  • political vision;
  • insights;
  • situational judgement.

By identifying these key diagnostics, we are able to identify and confirm your needs and objectives to design a programme specifically for you.

Input and feedback

Within the simulation environment we pause activity and replay audio and visual recordings so participants can see first-hand what actually happened – not what they perceived to have happened. We encourage the creation and support of a feedback culture. Our approach includes self-reflection, facilitator and coach feedback, as well as one-to-one feedback, group coaching and action learning set.

Proven results

Leadership and management of whatever, or in whatever, circumstance is a combination of experience, judgement, risk, emotion, behaviour and situational awareness. Knowing a theory or model is different to living, communicating and using it.

This is why our approach is focused on experience-based learning interwoven with feedback, relevant knowledge and skills input.

Whatever the design and premise of a programme, our experience tells us that things will change. We pride ourselves in working with you to respond to circumstances and requirements – reviewing and adapting activity based on feedback, and delivering lasting results.

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University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023