Self and peer assessment within integrated project work
Course Overview
Within the Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building department the use of integrated project work has been established as a key pedagogical approach with a view of providing undergraduate students the necessary ‘work skills’ needed to operate within the Construction Industry. As part of this process integrated project work has been established at all undergraduate levels. One of the aims of these modules is personal development. To help in this process students are asked to self assess their professional skills, in relation to team working, through a series of self-efficacy questionnaires. These questionnaires are embedded in the modules through formative and summative assessment, which are also linked to the department’s use of peer and self-assessment within all group work.
The workshop will:
- Outline the integrated project strategy across all undergraduate levels within the CAB department and explore the desired pedagogic gains of this vertical approach to integrated assessment
- The development of self efficacy questionnaires
- The use of peer and self assessment within group work with the aid of the tool Web-PA
- Linking the self-efficacy questionnaires to peer and self-assessment both formatively and summatively.
- Give participants practical examples of the use of self and peer assessment tools that they may adapt or adopt for their own practice
What will I get out of this course?
Developing students’ abilities to evaluate their own progress and direct their own learning is vital to support student learning and development. This session explores how this can be supported through self and peer assessment activities within integrated project work.
Who is it for?
All teaching staff
Participant preparation needed?
Additional Information
What prior experience do I need?
Formal assessment
Length of course
2 hours