Dr Leonardo Mataruna starts a new project: “Ball, Rings & Peace” in Brazil

Wednesday 01 January 2014

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Dr. Leonardo Mataruna stars new project: "Ball, Rings & Peace" in Brazil

After the Sochi Winter Olympic Games, Dr. Mataruna has observed that some protests impacted the image of the mega event before it even started. (The bright of sport mega event reduced the impact of manifestations and changed the perception of some citizens about that occurrence.) This new project will observe the protests in Brazil during the next two years of following social media and press. It will also observe how mega events are being organised and will evaluate the hard and soft legacies connecting the vulnerability issues. 

Ball, Rings & Peace involves the gathering of data through focus groups and one-to-one interviews with residents of Brazil, in order to gauge the effectiveness of major sporting events on any subsequent change to quality of life, social change, regeneration and protest in connection with the Mega Events. During the FIFA 2014 Football World Cup, Dr. Mataruna began gathering the data by visiting stadiums, training centres and favelas in Rio de Janeiro. He also consulted with the Brazilian Army, Navy and Air Force about sport and peace strategies.