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Meet James Cox

Studying Mechanical Engineering MEng/BEng, James is now in his fourth (master’s) year. Here, he shares his experiences of the course at Coventry University.

Why did you choose mechanical engineering at Coventry University?

Studying mechanical engineering allowed me to continue studying what I enjoyed in college- physics and mathematics, whilst learning about how the world works. Being an engineer allows me to do highly important and impactful work that will benefit society. I chose Coventry University because the equipment available to the students is some of the best in the country, and the students always had positive things to say about the course, facilities and academic staff.

What do you enjoy the most about your course?

I enjoy the lab sessions as they give you the ability to put your theoretical knowledge from the lectures to the test, so you solidify your understanding of engineering principles. You also get to use some really exciting high-tech equipment that is used in industry.

Has your time on the course developed you as a person?

The four years I have spent on the course have been very transformative for me; I have come out of my shell more and found the confidence to challenge myself. As well as improving my confidence, I have become a more well-rounded person, gaining various soft and hard skills. My industrial placement also provided me with a lot of confidence in my knowledge of the theory behind the course, as well as improving my professionalism.

Would you recommend mechanical engineering to friends? If so, why?

I would highly recommend the course to friends, or anyone who enjoys problem-solving, mathematics, physics and innovative thinking. It really combines the best of mathematics and physics into one, with a hands-on element to demonstrate the theories. It also provides fantastic career opportunities!

What do you think of the facilities at Coventry University?

The facilities are some of the best in the country. There are very few universities that have the amount and quality of equipment that Coventry University has, as well as allowing students to get to use them (with help from the technicians). The funding that the university puts into keeping the equipment as up-to-date and relevant as possible, means that the machines are always at industry or industry-leading standard.

What has been your most memorable moment during your time at Coventry University?

It was at the end of my third year, the whole cohort had just finished the final exam of the year and handed in our dissertations. In most people’s cases, this was the end of their final year on the BEng course, so we all went out to celebrate. It was a lovely send-off celebration for all of the friends I had made.

What advice would you give to someone considering studying mechanical engineering?

If you haven’t been to an Open Day, sign up for one, especially at Coventry University!

There is no better way to find out how exciting the course is than coming and speaking to the students on the course, meeting the academics and seeing the facilities that you will get to use. The most important thing about deciding what and where to study is that you settle on a course that you’re going to enjoy!

Have you been on any work placements? If so, please tell us about your experience.

I spent a year at Jacobs Clean Energy in the engineering development team; I was expected to be able to carry out any and all elements of a project, from designing and operating test rigs to creating bespoke designs for proposal submissions. The placement allowed me to feel confident in applying theory and boosted my professionalism. For my career, it was one of the best things that I could have done. I would highly recommend a work placement, even if it’s only a summer-long placement.

Do you think your course has prepared you for the world of work? If so, how?

Yes, the course has provided me with a lot of soft and hard skills that are required or admired within the industry, as well as providing me with the depth of knowledge to perform as a mechanical engineer. The bonus of having done a placement year means I feel completely prepared for the world of work.

Why did you want to become a mechanical engineer? What career plans do you have?

I wanted to become a mechanical engineer because it allows me to support some of the most innovative, important and exciting projects in the world. I also want to be able to apply my knowledge and energy to supporting people who aren’t fortunate enough to have regular access to what most people would consider basic amenities. I would like to carry on working in the clean energy sector: carbon emissions are one of, if not the, most important issue we are currently facing as a global community, and the energy sector is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases.

Describe mechanical engineering in three words.

Innovative. Exciting. Challenging.

James Cox

James Cox

Mechanical Engineering MEng/BEng student in master's (4th) year.

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