Economic Imagination

Speakers from CPC
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Friday 25 June 2021



Event details

Researchers from the Centre for Postdigital Cultures (CPC) will present a panel discussion for 17, Institute of Critical Studies colloquium on 'Economic Imagination'.

Coordinated by Benjamín Mayer Foulkes, the colloquium “honors and gathers the fruits of the two decades of the Institute's life”. The colloquium looks to respond to contemporary crises through challenging us to think differently, and imaginatively, about economic realities.

In representing CPC, Dr Janneke Adema discusses our work in rethinking the kind of critical theory both we and 17 are influenced by and engaged with through her experiments with performative, experimental and collaborative publishing.

Professor Mel Jordan will then talk about her artistic practice with the freee art collective and the Partisan Social Club. Her research demonstrates how work in the CPC is not confined to academia and the world of scholarship. We are also using our theory-performances-practices to rethink other key ‘modern’ concepts or datum points such as the ‘public’.

Finally, Dr Adrienne Evans shows how gender and subjectivity are two other key concepts for CPC that need to be rethought for the 21st century world. This she'll address through the lens of street harassment and violence against women: chiefly in relation to the Sarah Everard case in the UK.

Listen to a recording of the panel.