Sustainable development goals for Brazil

Brazilian houses from a birds eye view perspective
University news / Research news

Friday 31 May 2019

Press contact

Tracey Saunders

A collaboration between Coventry University and The Communitarian Regional University (UNOCHAPECÓ) in Santa Catarina State is helping to strengthen sustainable development in Brazil and contributing to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This five year project links early career researchers from the UK, Brazil and other South American universities to look at ways in which local development needs in Brazil can be met more effectively.

The project began with a five-day workshop hosted by UNOCHAPECÓ in Brazil last year. 15 researchers from UK universities presented on topics ranging from the current science on treating tuberculosis, to protecting the ocean's coral reefs; fostering entrepreneurship in the video games industry and understanding the dynamics of trust and cooperation. 500 people from national and State government, international agencies, business and labour organisations, non-governmental organisations, researchers and media all attended the workshop.

The workshop provided an excellent starting point for us to establish a research network and we have built upon the academic relationships and friendships formed during the event. Moving forward, we are aiming to support the creation of new, high-quality, international research for academic and policy-making communities working on sustainable development issues.

Recent work from the network is focusing upon the oral history traditions and voices of the Kaingang indigenous people of southern Brazil and their socio-economic conditions and needs. Further innovative joint research is examining the potential of digitization and the gaming industry in promoting sustainable development in Brazilian communities.

Coventry University Professor of Global Security Neil Renwick

This project is supported by a grant under the Newton Fund, which is funded by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and The Foundation of Support for Research and Innovation of the State of Santa Catarina (FAPESC) Brazil and delivered by the British Council.

If you are interested in joining the network, expressions of interest are welcome. Please contact the UK Coordinator, Professor Neil Renwick on

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