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Gratitude Wall


Coventry University and the Herbert Art Gallery are working together on the Gratitude Wall project. The Gratitude Wall is a portable chalkboard wall, on which people can write things for which they are grateful.

The wall is inspired by research conducted by Coventry’s University’s Hope 4 The Community group, which provides training for families affected by long-term conditions like autism. Part of their research focuses on the idea that the expression of gratitude improves mental health. The Gratitude Wall was launched at the Coventry University-sponsored Godiva Festival in July, where more than 1,000 people added their words to the wall. 

The Gratitude Wall will go on display, throughout the year, for people to use at the Herbert Art Gallery, before going on tour across the region over the next year.

Submissions included:


My grandad for taking us here and all the rides.

My amazing friends and family and for the time I got with those no longer here.

All the little things that make you smile everyday like birds tweeting.

My sister being released after 6 years in a mental health hospital and getting home safely.


The Gratitude Wall has been funded with help of money from MUPI (Museums and Universities Partnership Initiative).

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