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Prof David Bailey

Professor of International Business Strategy and Economics

School of Strategy and Leadership
Coventry Business School
Coventry University
Priory Street

William Morris Building
Room: WMG11


I am Professor of International Business Strategy and Economics at Coventry University Business School, Chair of the Regional Studies Association, a blogger and columnist at The Birmingham Post and Coventry Telepgraph, and a much in-demand media commentator on business and the economy

I have been involved in several international research projects. These have included a recent ESRC project (on which I was PI) on the Economic and social impact of the MG Rover collapse which has attracted considerable media interest. This was rated by the ESRC as ‘outstanding’ and was featured by the ESRC and Academy of Social Sciences in its 2010 report ‘Making the Case for Social Sciences’. Other recent funding has come from Advantage West Midlands, the Audit Commission, European Commission INTERREG III funding, and MG Motors Ltd

I am frequently interviewed by local, national and international media to discuss issues related to my research (over 1000 media appearances in the last five years alone). Recent major ‘impact’ is also seen in my work to keep ex MG Rover and LDV workers in the public eye, to press the case for an auto ‘scrappage’ scheme and wider support for the auto industry including JLR, to highlight the problems with takeovers such as Kraft/Cadbury and the need to reform takeover rules, and the need for the retention of some form of intermediate regional tier post RDAs. I am also a frequent after-lunch and after-dinner speaker at high level business and policy events around the West Midlands and in London (e.g. CBI Executive Lunch Briefings, Birmingham Forward, Birmingham Future, Barclays Capital Business briefings, BBC Radio and TV debates etc). During 2009 I was also Specialist Advisor to the House of Commons Select Committee on the West Midlands

My international profile is illustrated by the fact that I am frequently invited to give plenary keynote addresses at high profile international conferences and to chair major events and plenaries


  • Ph.D., Birmingham Business School
  • M.SocSc., Russian and East European Studies/Economics, University of Birmingham
  • B.SocSc., Economics, University of Birmingham

Professional Licences and Certifications:

  • 2008-present, Academician, Social Sciences (AcSS)

Research Interests:

  • International Business
  • Industrial Policy
  • Regional Economic Development Policy
  • Economic And Industrial Restructuring
  • Globalisation
  • European Integration

Selected Outputs:

  • Bailey, D., De Ruyter, A., and Chapain, C. (2012) 'Employment outcomes and plant closures in a post-industrial city: an analysis of the labour market status of MG Rover workers three years on'. Urban Studies 49 (7)
  • Bailey, D., and Hildrith, P. (2012) 'The Economics behind the Move to LEPs'. In Changing Gears. Is Localism the New Regionalism? Ed. by Ward, M., and Hardy, S. The Smith Institute/Regional Studies Association: London
  • Bailey, B., Coffey, D., and MacNeill, S. (2012) 'New Perspectives on Global Auto Shifts and Development and Policy Responses – Part 2'. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management
  • Bailey, D. (2012) Double-dip recession. US National Public Radio Podcast Available from
  • Bailey, D., and Cowling, K. (2012) 'Rebuilding the City: A Focus for European Industrial Policy?'. In Industrial Policy after the Crisis. Regional, National and International Perspectives. (City and Regions Books Series). Ed. by Bailey, D., Lenihan, H., and Arouzo-Carod, J-M. (eds.). London: Routledge
  • Bailey, D., De Ruyter, A., and Bentley, G. (2011) 'Labour market outcomes after plant closure: the Case of MG Rover'. Urban Studies
  • Bailey, D (2011) 'Could Cash-Rich Big Firms fuel UK Economic Growth?'. Parliamentary Brief 13 (11)
  • Bailey, D. (2011) 'From RDAs to LEPs: Challenges and Prospects'. Regions 284
  • Bailey, D. (2011) 'Enterprise Zones sound like a good idea, until you remember the 1980s'. Parliamentary Brief 13 (12)
  • Bailey, D., and Chapain, S. (2011) 'The Recession and Beyond: Local and Regional Responses to the Downturn'. In The Recession and Beyond: The Role of Local Authorities in dealing with the Downturn. Ed. by Bailey, D., and Chapain, C. (eds.). London: Taylor and Francis
  • Bailey, D., De Ruyter, A., and Clarke, I. (2010) 'Private Equity and the Flight of the Phoenix 4? The Restructuring, Collapse and Impact of MG Rover in the West Midlands'. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
  • Bailey, D., De Ruyter, A., Michie, J., and Tyler, P. (2010) 'Globalisation and the Auto Industry'. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 3 (3), 367-382
  • Bailey, D., Lenihan, H., and Singh, A. (2009) 'Industrial Policy Lessons from Ireland and East Asia for Small African Economies'. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 9 (4), 357-382
  • Bailey, D., Chapain, C., Fauth, B., and Mahdon, M. (2008) Life after Longbridge: Three Years on. Pathways to Re-employment in a Restructuring Economy. The Work Foundation. Available from
  • Bailey, D., and Driffield, N. (2007) 'Industrial Policy, FDI and Employment: Still ‘Missing a Strategy’'. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 7 (2), 189-211
  • Bailey, D., and De Ruyter, A. (2007) 'Globalisation, Economic Freedom and Strategic Decision-Making: A Role for Industrial Policy?'. Policy Studies 28 (4), 383-398
  • Bailey, D., and Cowling, K. (2006) 'Industrial Policy and Vulnerable Capitalism'. International Review of Applied Economics 20 (5), 537-553
  • Bailey, D., and De Propris, L. (2004) 'A Bridge Too Phare? EU Pre-Accession Aid and Capacity Building in the Candidate Countries'. Journal of Common Market Studies 42 (1)
  • Bailey, D. (2003) 'Globalisation, Regions and Cluster Policies: The Case of the Rover Task Force'. Policy Studies 24 (2/3)
  • Bailey, D., and De Propris, L. (2002) 'EU Structural Funds, Regional Capabilities and Enlargement: Towards Multi-Level Governance?'. Journal of European Integration 24 (4)
  • Bailey, D., and De Propris, L. (2002) 'The 1988 Reform of the Structural Funds: Entitlement or Empowerment?'. Journal of European Public Policy 9 (3)

Selected Funding:

  • 2011-2013, NICER (Networks for the Internationalisation of Cluster Excellence in Regions), European Commission INTERREG IV funded project
  • 2011-2013, STEP+, European Commission INTERREG IV funded project
  • 2010, The success of Japanese transplants in the UK and the outlook for the auto industry, MG Motor UK Ltd., £18,000
  • 2009-2010, Evaluation of the role of the West Midlands Regional Task Force, Advantage West Midlands, £29,400
  • 2009, The role of Local Authorities in dealing with the impact of the recession, Audit Commission, £16,200
  • 2008-2009, Lessons from plant closures; developing a policy toolkit, HEIF4, £5,000
  • 2007-2009, The Economic and Social Impact of the Demise of Rover at Longbridge: A Longitudinal and Holistic Approach to Economic Restructuring, ESRC/Birmingham City Council/Advantage West Midlands and the Rover Community Action Trust, £130,000
  • 2006-2007, PICTURE (Promoting Innovative Clusters through Urban Regeneration) and CLINIC (Cooperation Links, Interactive Networks and Innovative Clusters), European Commission INTERREG III, £120,000
  • 2005-2006, European Science Foundation (ESF) Exploratory Workshop: The Governance of Networks as a Determinant of Local Economic Development, , £13,500
  • 2001-2003, Economic Globalisation and Regional Concentration of Industry, Nihon University (Japan) Interdisciplinary Global Joint Research Project

Selected Professional Activities:

  • Frequent reviewer for: Journal of European Integration, International Business Review, Asia Pacific Business Review, Regional Studies, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Scottish Affairs, Policy Studies, Papers in Regional Science, Urban Studies, Governance, Cambridge Review of Regions, Economy and Society, the International Journal of Automotive Management and Technology, South Eastern Europe
  • Reviewer for publishers: OUP, CUP, Pearson, Prentice Hall, Routledge, and Edward Elgar
  • Advocate for the Birmingham City of Culture 2013 Bid
  • Member of the Judging Panels for the Birmingham Post Business of Year Awards, 2010, Coventry Telegraph Business Awards 2011 and 2012, European Commission DG Regio Open Days Young Researchers’ Poster Competition, 2011 and 2012


  • The Economic Environment of Business (MBA)
  • Global Business Environment (DBA/MBA)
  • International Business Environment (MBA Executive Programme)
  • Competitiveness Policy (MSc)
  • Globalisation, International Business and Economic Development (MSc)
  • Globalisation, Transnationals and Economic Policy (final year undergraduate)
  • Industrial and International Economics (final year undergraduate)
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