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Dr Irene Glendinning

Academic Manager for Student Experience 

Professional title(s): BSc PhD FBCS CEng CITP

Office of Teaching and Learning

Contact details

Coventry University

Priory Street,


West Midlands


Telephone:  02476 658332 (Work)


LinkedIn Profile 


Irene Glendinning is Academic Manager for Student Experience, based in Coventry University’s Officer of Teaching and Learning. She joined Coventry University in September 1990 as a lecturer in Computer Science. She has in turn managed three portfolios, first undergraduate programmes, then international collaborative programmes then postgraduate taught programmes. In her earlier career she was a systems analyst and computer programmer before teaching maths, computing and IT at secondary level.  She has been conducting research into quality, pedagogy and academic integrity in higher education for several years.

After being Principal Investigator for the Erasmus funded in project Impact of Policies for Plagiarism, Higher Education Across Europe (IPPHEAE 2010-2013), she worked on, led or co-led several other projects on integrity and corruption (SEEPPAI 2016-7, PAICKT 2018-19); CHEA/CIQG 2019; ENAI 2017-2020). She continues to contribute advisory groups, lead and contribute to several working groups and take part in research and development projects, applying what has been learnt so far about effective institutional policies and continuing research into growing and evolving threats to integrity affecting educational standards and quality globally.

Irene has published many journal papers and book chapters about her research and ideas about academic integrity policies and is a member of several editorial boards. She was section editor for the 2nd Edition of the Handbook of Academic Integrity.

She is part of the team organising the International Days of Action against Contract Cheating, which is now known as the International Day of Action for Academic Integrity from October 2023. She was Vice-President of the European Network for Academic Integrity (2017-2020).

Irene is currently supervising two PhD students and has three successful PhD completions.

Current research projects:

Partnership of Universities on Plagiarism Prevention (PUPP) – Project Co-director, funded by the Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council, led by UQO, Gatineau, Canada (2021-2028).

Facing Academic Integrity Threats (FAITH) – Representing ENAI as a researcher, ERASMUS+ project, funded by the European Commission, led by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Türkiye (2022- 2025).

Research Integrity and Ethics in Georgian Universities (ETHICS) - Representing ENAI as a researcher, ERASMUS+ project, funded by the European Commission, led by Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia (2023-2025).

Links to previous research projects:







  • Parklands County Primary School, Parklands Junior School 1954-1961
  • Parklands High School 1961-1968, Seacroft, Leeds
  • North Staffordshire Polytechnic, Beaconside, Stafford 1968-197
  • BSc Honours Degree in Computing Science 2-i honours with Industrial Training Year at Automotive Products Ltd, Leamington Spa
  • Open University 1986-7, Bursary from WIT Foundation: Postgraduate module Computer Architecture and Operating systems: Pass with Credit.
  • Qualified Teacher Status 1988
  • PhD 2016, Coventry University - Evaluation of Policies for Academic Integrity in Higher Education: An International Perspective.

Professional Status

BCS: Chartered IT Professional Fellowship (FBCS) since 2008. Joined BCS as Student member in 1971; MBCS 1976; CEng 1992; CITP 2004.

BCS: Elected to BCS Council March 2016 for 3-year term; Appointed to Membership/Community Board 2015-2021.

BCS Coventry Branch:  Chairman June 2010 - Jan 2019; Committee member and Educational Liaison Officer 2002-2010. Chair/Organiser of BCS Coventry Branch Challenge IT youth competition 2 yearly 2005-2016.

British Computer Society and Engineering Council: Accredited and trained panellist for Exemption and Accreditation panels 2000-2019.  Individual Case Procedure assessor 2002-2005.


  • European Network for Academic Integrity 2020 Award
  • BCS Meritorious Service Award 2022

Current posts and duties

Academic Integrity Lead, Office of Teaching and Learning – Education Strategy Unit (ESU), Coventry University Corporate Services Ltd., since 1/9/2022 (0.5 post)

Duties: Chair of Academic Integrity Steering Group for Coventry University Group, reporting to the Quality in Learning and teaching Committee; Oversight of institutional policies and operations relating to academic integrity and student academic conduct; provision of training, support and guidance for academic conduct officers and panels; research and networking.

Visiting Fellow, University of Northampton, UK, 2022-25

Co-director of PUPP project: Partnership on University Plagiarism Prevention, with Can $2.6M funding from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council 2021-2028.

Current PhD supervisions:
PhD Director of Studies for Kam Gill part-time 2016+: Student retention;

PhD Supervisor for Daniel Quinn, 2022+, Studentship from the PUPP project – Canadian SSHRC funding.

Member of the editorial boards for the International Journal for Academic Integrity and Journal of Academic Ethics, editor and section editor for various Springer Nature publications

Springer Nature Handbook of Academic Integrity, 2nd edition, Editor for section on Policies and QA 2022-24

Member of the conference committee (evolving titles) Academic Integrity, Ethics and Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond and coordinator of peer reviews and publications: 2013 Brno, 2015 Brno, 2017 Brno, 2018 Ephesus, 2021 Brno/Uppsala, 2022 Porto, 2023 Derby

Member of QAA Academic Integrity Advisory Group: first convened June 2018

Member and co-founder of Midlands Integrity Group (MIG)

Member of Turnitin expert panel, advisory group 2017+

Regular peer reviewer for various journals and conferences

External examiner for PhD candidate, University of Keele, UK, viva June 2022

External examiner for PhD candidate, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia, November 2022

External examiner for PhD candidate, Kings College London, UK, viva 1st March 2023

External examiner for PhD candidate, University of South Wales, viva 27th March 2023

External examiner for PhD candidate, University of South Africa, October 2023

Recent posts

Institutional lead on Academic Integrity / Academic Manager for Student Experience, Office of Teaching and Learning, Coventry University – Research into academic integrity, student experience, pedagogy, diversity and equality; reporting to (Deputy Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Learning) 2016-2022

Vice-President European Network for Academic Integrity 2017-2020

E-assessor BCS Certificate in Computer Science Teaching 2016-2019

PhD supervisions completion:

PhD supervision Stella-Maris Orim 2010-2014 (thesis submitted and successfully defended): Plagiarism in Nigeria- Graduated 2015

PhD supervision Yamuna Bagiya 2012-2016 (thesis submitted and successfully defended): Evaluating the effectiveness of STEM outreach activities - Graduated April 2017

PhD Director of Studies Anna Michalska part-time 2011-2018: Plagiarism and National Differences. Variation in practice and attitudes towards academic dishonesty among European students. Graduated November 2018

Previous posts

Academic Manager for Student Experience, Coventry University, Faculty of Engineering and Computing, Faculty adviser in Academic Integrity and STEM Outreach, Continuing research and dissemination into student experience, academic integrity, diversity and equality, pedagogy, computing in schools; reporting to associate dean (2007-2016)

Teaching: Computing department undergraduate and postgraduate project modules

Staff development workshops, training workshops for academic conduct officers

Student workshops on academic integrity, avoiding plagiarism

Until 2013 Faculty-wide role, coordinating small team, managing all aspects of the student experience, from Recruitment to Graduation, founder and coordinator of Student Experience Enhancement Unit, Leading several funded research projects:

Member of University EIP (academic conduct) review working group since 2011;

Member of cross University team exploring BME student attainment and part of the HEA national Summit programme (2009-10)

Member of organising committee for HEA/ECU/CU national conference of BME student attainment July 2010;

Research and publication about the student journey, student diversity and inclusivity, employing students.

Leading postgraduate European and UK partnership and recruitment for the Faculty;

Oversight of learning support provision for students with disabilities in the Faculty 2007-2013;

Teaching and support role for colleagues across the Faculty;

Running regular cross-university postgraduate student workshops for Graduate Centre on international student induction and avoiding plagiarism; Running staff development workshops;

Academic advisor to Faculty committees and boards of study and in curriculum development; Serving on Faculty and University committees and working groups.

Supervising master’s projects in computing and IT.

August 2005 - June 2007: Portfolio Manager, Postgraduate programmes, reporting to Associate Dean (Postgraduate) Coventry University, Faculty of Engineering and Computing,

Principal Lecturer, Coordination of 17 postgraduate taught computing programmes, Leading postgraduate European and UK partnership and recruitment for the Faculty; Module leader e-commerce technology (postgraduate) and project supervision. Leading postgraduate programme, review and developments.

September 2002 - July 2005: Manager/Director Taught Postgraduate Programmes Reporting to Dean of School. Coventry University, School of Mathematical and Information Sciences,

Responsibilities: Chair School of MIS Postgraduate Programme Board; Management of taught postgraduate programmes across the three subject groups in the School (15 MSc and 2 MBA programmes, approximately 300 students enrolled); Course strategy, design & development; Overall operational management: coordination of course team, student programmes, quality assurance, organising induction, assessment boards, securing funding, marketing, recruitment and admissions; General support for students, including part-time provision and support for overseas students; Organisation of personal tutors and course consultative committee meetings; leadership of administrative and academic staff within the School; liaison with contacts across the University, concerning timetabling and scheduling.

Member of Information Systems Subject Team and Educational Research Group.

Module leader of two M level modules: E-Commerce Technology (Designing and Building E-Commerce applications 24 credits); Programming Principles (12 credits, Java programming and OO design)

Led the review of all MIS taught postgraduate programmes 2002-3 and the course approval.

Led the course approvals and of MSc Health Informatics and MSc Logistics 2004; led the external accreditation with NHS CfH of MSc Health Informatics 2005; Appointment and liaison with External Examiners.

September 1999 – 2002: International Programme Manager, Grade Principal Lecturer

Duties: management of overseas partnerships in computing and IT; Coordinator of external examining and staff development at partner colleges; coordinator and team leader for subject advisors and link tutors; International recruitment, attending international recruitment fairs and events, recruitment presentation at partner institutions; Development of new educational partnerships, frameworks and courses; Support tutor for all international students in the School of MIS; Vice-Chair International Programme Steering Committee; Course tutor for International Foundation Year and External Degree.

1992-1999: Associate Programme Manager and Course Tutor, Grade Senior Lecturer

Duties: responsible for autonomous management of interdisciplinary and joint undergraduate degree programmes in computing and IT (BA BIT, BSc BIS, GIS, BA Multimedia Computing, BSc Computing and Economics, BSc Computing and Geography, BA IT and Law). Design and development of programmes and modules, marketing and recruitment activities for all undergraduate programmes. Overall operational management, including liaison with other Schools and departments; coordination of timetables across subject groups; Quality assurance, including liaison with External Examiners, organisation of examination board and results dissemination; Allocation of personal tutors and operation of course consultative committees. Organise and conduct induction. Provide general support and guidance for students and staff as required. Team leadership of course team, recruitment and marketing.

Coventry University: Lecturer 2 (1990-1) and Senior Lecturer (1991-1999) in Computer Science

Career summary prior to September 1990

January 1986 to August 1990 Teacher of mathematics and IT at Lawrence Sheriff School, Mathematics Department [also part-time at Rugby High School 1988-9];

September 1985 to 1994 part-time adult education tutor at Lutterworth Community College;

1986-1987 part-time adult education tutor at East Warwickshire College

1980-1985 career break; self-employed artist, working to commission;

February 1978 to Sept 1980 Systems Analyst, G.E.C. Large Machines Co. Ltd., Mill Road, Rugby;

September 1977 to February 1978 Analyst/Programmer Sketchley Ltd., Hinckley, Leicestershire;

May 1976 to July 1977 Analyst/Programmer B.H.P., Whyalla steel works, South Australia;

January - December 1976 part-time HE tutor South Australia Institute of Technology;

October 1974 to August 1975 Consultant Analyst/Programmer, CP Computer Support Services;

April 1973 to Oct 1974 Software support/maintenance programmer ICL, Bracknell;

Sept 1972 to April 1973 Teacher Leeds Education Department, Silver Royd High School, Leeds;

Oct 1972 - April 1973 part-time Social Contact Worker at John Smeaton Comprehensive School, Leeds;

June 1970 to August 1971 Student Apprentice, Computer Programmer (placement year) at Automotive Products Ltd., Leamington Spa, Warwickshire;

Professional Activities 2011+

Keynotes and speaking invitations

Joint Presenter BCS Worcester Branch November 2011

Invited workshop coordinator staff development SCOPE Hong Kong June 2011

Assessment Moderation and teaching PEAK Hong Kong June 2011

Invited workshop coordinator HEA, University of Glasgow 20/02/2012

Invited speaker, Trinity College Dublin, 22/10/2012

Keynote Speaker, University of Luxembourg 02/10/2012

Invited speaker London Metropolitan University staff development 01/06/2012

Invited speaker Turnitin User Group 08/02/2012

Invited speaker University of Warwick Educational Research Group 27/02/2012

Coventry and Warwickshire Radio interview 01/11/2012 – computing in schools

Invited seminar joint presenter on Activity Led Learning by video-conferencing, 21/01/2014, Finnish ESF project for teacher education

Invited panellist National seminar, Dublin Institute of Technology, April 2014

Invited speaker for National seminar, National University of Ireland in Galway May 2014

Invited Keynote Speaker European Network on Research Careers, 20th May 2014, Brussels

Invited Speaker, National Association of University Librarians, Trinity College Dublin (CONUL),

Invited keynote Hodder education June 2014 – computing in the school curriculum Manchester.

Invited panellist Pre-session seminar for 6th International Plagiarism Conference, Newcastle on Tyne, June 2014

Invited speaker, Policy forum on Planning Higher Education Integrity, UNESCO / IIEP, Paris 18th-20th March 2015;

Invited Keynote, Policies for Plagiarism Across Europe and Beyond Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, 10th-12th June 2015.

Invited speaker, 7th Prague Forum, Towards a Pan-European Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education, Charles University, Prague Council of Europe, date 1-2 October 2015.

Webinar Academic Integrity Maturity Model, South East Asia, 13th October 2015, iParadigms;

IPPHEAE survey provided for institutions in Pakistan, Malaysia 2014-15.

Invited as expert witness by Council for Higher Education Accreditation International Quality Group,

IIEP/UNESCO to an Expert meeting on Quality Assurance, Accreditation and Academic Corruption,

Washington DC, USA, 30th-31st March 2016.

Invited speaker CHEA / CIQG Annual Conference, Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington DC,  31st January – 1st Feb 2017.

Invited speaker, QAA Annual Conference, Nottingham University, UK, 10th May 2017.

Webinar moderator, 12th October 2017, CHEA /CIQG.

Invited Keynote, Vilnius, Lithuania, 16-17th October 2017.

Invited Panellist and speaker Turnitin, Newcastle, 19th October 2017.

Invited Speaker Council of Europe, Kosovo 5th-6th December 2017.

Invited speaker and Subject Expert, CHEA/CIQG Annual Conference, Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington DC 30th January-2nd February 2018.

Invited Speaker TED talk, Cardiff Metropolitan University, 6th February 2018.

Invited speaker Council of Europe Strasbourg 15-16th February 2018.

Webinar panellist University of Zagreb 9th March 2018.

Invited Panellist Westminster Forum 20th March 2018.

Invited plenary speaker, Panel chair, Plagiarism Across Europe and Beyond, May 2018, Ephesus, Turkey.

Invited speaker: European Commission working group on education, Brussels, 11th Dec 2018.

Invited speaker: CHEA/CIQG Annual Conference, Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington DC 28th-31st  January 2019.

Panel and sessions chair: Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond, Vilnius, June 2019.

Invited speaker and panellist: University of Kent, 24th June 2019. Contract Cheating and its implications for Academic Integrity and Assessment Design.

Invited presenter, Summer School on ethics and integrity for PhD students, University of Nicosia, 9-12 September

Invited presenter/advisor, European Commission, Peer Learning Activity on academic integrity, Cyprus 24-25 October 2019.

Invited workshop facilitator, Turnitin on Campus, hosted by Leeds University, UK, 14th January 2020

Invited speaker Gulf Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in GCC, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman, 29th January 2020.

Invited speaker, Policies for Plagiarism, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Republic of Ireland, 14th February 2020.

Webinars for QAA on contract cheating: 30th April 2020, 19th May 2020

Advance HE / British Council webinar 24th June 2020

Webinar, QAA: Launch of Contracting to Cheat 2nd Edition, 20th July 2020

Webinar, QAA: 3rd Sept 2020 – Strategic approaches for combatting contract cheating

Invited speaker, IStructE, 17th Sept 2020 – Moving to Digital: Programme Integrity

Keynote 25th Sept 2020, Monterrey University, Mexico

Invited speaker Webinar, QAA: 12th Oct 2020 – combatting academic fraud: regulations and policies

International Day of Action against Contract Cheating 2020: 21/10/2020 organiser, presenter and participant in 20 hours of live presentations

Invited speaker Webinar British Council & QAA: 16th December 2020, Academic integrity in on-line assessment for Eurasian audience.

Invited speaker Antiplag Conference (virtual), 20th October 2021

Invited speaker KFMC, Saudi Arabia, November 2021

Invited speaker Webinar QAA Webinar February 2022

Invited speaker Webinar Dubai, UAE Webinar Feb 2022

Invited speaker Webinar NUI Galway, Ireland, March 2022

Invited speaker Webinar Ukrainian Quality Assurance Agency, May 2022

Invited speaker Webinar Bournemouth University, 15th December 2022

Invited speaker Webinar BCU, 16th February 2023

Panel member, Studiosity, 28th February 2023

Invited speaker Webinars, Indonesian project, 20th and 21st March 2023

Invited speaker Webinar, AI tools, QAA, 22nd March 2023

Invited speaker Webinar, Turnitin, 28th March 2023

Panel member, QAA conference, Birmingham, UK, 20th April 2023

Invited speaker Webinar, BAFA, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, 4th May 2023

Invited speaker Webinar, Aga Khan University, Pakistan, 30th May 2023

Summer school presenter: ENAI Summer school in Maribor from 21st to 25th August 2023:

Invited Keynote, University of Sunderland, 1st November 2023

Invited speaker Webinar, University of the West of Scotland, 9th November 2023

Invited Speaker Webinar, PUPP Project, 9th November 2023

Computing At Schools (CAS) Coventry and Warwickshire teachers’ Hub:  Founder and joint hub leader February 2012-2019

External Examining

University of Ulster, undergraduate programmes in computer science, Sept 2014-2018

University of Central Lancashire Sept 2014-Dec 2018 Franchised foundation degree programmes in computing

University of Portsmouth 2004-2010, External Examiner, master’s degrees in computing subjects

University Campus Suffolk/Suffolk College, Ipswich: 2005-2009, undergraduate computing

INTI College Malaysia, 1999-2002 External examiner and subject advisor, undergraduate

Auston International, Singapore, 2001-2 External examiner and subject advisor, undergraduate

David Game College, Notting Hill Gate, London: 2000-2002, External examiner, undergraduate

Cyprus College, Nicosia, Cyprus: 2000-2004, External Moderator, undergraduate

Course and Institutional Approval Panels (approximate dates)

Panellist East Warwickshire College 1991 (Compact); Oxford College 1994 (Franchise); Stratford College 1996 (Franchise); Cardinal Newman College 1998 (Associate College/Franchise); MSc GIS by Research 1997; Cyprus College 1999; InterCollege, Cyprus 1999; Postgraduate Scheme in Computing and IT 1999

Course team and/or leading member on all undergraduate approval events in MIS from 1992 -2002

Leading course team member and advisor BCS Accreditation Visits to CU 1995, 2000, 2004, 2009

Course team member Francis Hsu College, Hong Kong 2000; PCEC/STMC Shanghai 2000; Auston International, Singapore 2000; INTI College Hong Kong 2001; INTI College Malaysia 2001; David Game College, London 2001;

Course team leader MIS Postgraduate Programmes 2003; MSc Health Informatics and MSc Logistics 2004

Leading course team member QAA Audit of the INTI College Collaboration 2002

External panellist for several Foundation Degree approvals University Central Lancashire 2005 and 2006;

Course team member WBL framework approval 2009

External adviser University Central Lancashire franchise with Burnley College February 2014 course review, Carlisle College May 2014, Hugh Baird College 20/5/2016, 23/03/2018

Edge Hill University Feb 2019

Member of many reading groups and pre-approval panels

Curriculum development, teaching and supervisions (A-level and above, approximate dates)

Course Leader Level 1 degree: Mathematics for Engineers 1976

A-level: Pure and Applied Mathematics, Further Mathematics 1986-1990

Module Leader level 3 Client/Server Software Development 1997-2002

Module Leader level 2 Commercial Programming (COBOL, SQL) 1991-1998

Lecturer Level 1 Business Information Technology 2 (Group project for joint, interdisciplinary) 1992-1996

Module Leader level 1 programming (Pascal, Modula-2, COBOL) 1990-1998

Module Leader level 1 Information Systems 1990-1994

Module Lecturer/Leader M-level Programming Principles (OO, Java) 2001-2005

Module Leader M-Level E-Commerce Technology (double module, Architectures, Open Systems and Microsoft technologies, SQL, large scale systems) 2002-2005

Other teaching at HNC/D level in similar areas

1990-2004 honours degree project supervisions every year (30 credits, double module)

1991-2007 postgraduate level project supervisions every year, MSc and MBA projects (60 and 48 credits)

In total, a significant numbers of first and second supervisions at both undergraduate and postgraduate level 1990-2012

Funded Research

Ethics Project: Responsible Conduct of Research - Research Integrity and Ethics in Georgian

Universities (ETHICS), Led by Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia, representing the partner ENAI, 2022-25, total grant 752,202 Euros.

PUPP 2021-2028 Partnership on University Plagiarism Prevention. Led by Martine Peters, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada, funded by SSHRC, Canada, IG is co-directo, r; Funding $2.6 M Canadian.

FAITH 2021-2024, Facing Academic Integrity Threats, led by Dr Salim Razi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey, Funded through Erasmus+, IG is contributing as part of the ENAI team. Funding Euros under 300K.

ETINED / PAICKT (Project on Academic Integrity in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Turkey) Coventry University lead, with Mendel University in Brno, CZ, Funded by Council of Europe. (total €57,910, Coventry's budget €37,908 September 2018-November 2019)

PI: Policies and actions of Accreditation and Quality Assurance Bodies to counter Corruption in Higher Education funded by CHEA /CIQG 2017-18 (US $47,730 + travel costs)

ENAI (European Network for Academic Integrity) Coventry University lead, funded by Erasmus +, led by Mendel University in Brno, CZ.2016-2019. (€280,024; CU budget total = €28,169.43)

ETINED / SEEPPAI (South-East European Project on Policies for Academic Integrity) Coventry University lead, with Mendel University in Brno, CZ. Funded by Council of Europe. 2016-17 (€35,749, CU budget = €20,500)

Principal Investigator HEA Teaching Development Grant, research project: Activity Led Learning for Master’s in Engineering Management, 01/01/2012-31/03/2013 (HEA grant £28,851)

Coventry team coordinator for Virtual Academy Platform for Vocational Schools (VAPVoS Lead partner Bochum University of Applied Sciences) (1.10.2011 - 30.09.2013, CU budget €30,298)

Principal Investigator and project leader Impact of Plagiarism Policies in Higher Education across Europe (IPPHEAE) funded through Erasmus LLP Multilateral Projects (2010-2013 budget €396,419)

Lead Coventry University’s Disabled Student Engagement Project, for the HEA/NUS national Meaningful Student Engagement Project 2010-11, with £9000 funding from CWLLN and CU;

Co-Leader Coventry’s contribution to “Quicker Steps from Education to Working Life” project, funded by Finnish ESF funding, running 2011-13, with a consortium of partner universities from Finland, Austria and Luxembourg, Funding for travel and meeting expenses Budget €9000 May 2011;

Project Manager HEA Engineering Subject Group funded project for development of Faculty pre-induction website to aid transition of BME students (2010 January - December: HEA £3,500)

Member of KTP team for KITE Packaging Ltd 2005-2007, E-commerce application development

Project Manager ESF MIS Partnership Training Awards 2 2004-2007 (budget approx £250,000)

Project Manager ESF MIS Partnership Training Awards 2003-2005 (budget approx £250,000)

CHED Project and grant 1998-9 for developing e-learning materials for IT support and training;

Selected publications:

Tatham, E, Glendinning, I, (1994 and 1996) Making Sense of Modula-2, Edition1: Chapman Hall, Editions 1 and 2: International Thomson Publications

Glendinning, I, Pattinson, W, (1994), Girls, IT and the National Curriculum, WiC Conference Proceedings

Lucas J, Tripontium, (1997) Irene Glendinning (editor and publisher)

Lucas, J, (2005), Fourth and Final Research Report on Tripontium Excavations, Editor and Publisher Irene Glendinning

Blake, M, Cooke, G, Dunn, I, Gatward, R, Glendinning, I, Lloyd, D, (2007) Developing a Network of European Partner Universities, Conference Paper, Elate, Coventry University June 2007

Glendinning, I, Gatward, R (2007) Higher Education Mobility: Assurance of Quality and Standards with reference to Computing and IT Programmes, Conference Paper Alytus College Lithuania, December 2007

Glendinning, I, Dunn, I, Butler, C, Hood, H (2008) Initiative for Enhancing the Student Experience, Elate Conference Proceedings, Coventry University

Glendinning, I (2008) Tripontium – A Romano-British Settlement in the British Midlands, El Nuevo Militario, Numero 5 Enero de 2008 pp.11-21, Fundacon Juanelo Turriano 

Wilson-Medhurst, S, Glendinning, (2009), Winning hearts and minds:  Implementing Activity Led Learning (ALL), Conference Paper Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Dunn, I, Glendinning, I (2009) Supporting learners through the development of a Student Experience Enhancement Unit, NACADA Conference paper and Journal paper, Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning Volume 12 Number pp 74-80 April 2010.

Glendinning, I, Low, M, (2010) Conference and Journal paper Collaborative Initiatives for Promoting Computer Science in Schools ISSEP Zurich 2010, Springer series ISSEP 2010, LNCS 5941, pp. 103

Glendinning, I, Hood, S (2011) Adding Value to Services in a University faculty by Employing Students, Conference Proceedings: New ways to Learn, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

Glendinning, I., Domanska, A., Orim, S. (2011) Gaining Employability Skills through Student Advocacy, Conference paper Enhancing Employability of Computing Students, Higher Education Academy Centre for ICS  (February 2011); ITALICS 2nd Edition

Glendinning, I., (2012) Supporting Diverse Learners in their Transition to Higher Education, Engineering Education, Vol 6, no 2

Glendinning, I. (2012) European Responses to Student Plagiarism in Higher Education, Proceedings of 5th International Plagiarism Conference, Newcastle July 2012

Glendinning, I., Michalska, A. (2012) ALL for Masters: Exploring effective delivery of Activity Led Learning for taught postgraduate students, EE2012 Conference proceedings, Coventry University, September 2012

Glendinning, I. (2013) Author (12 reports), editor (15 reports): National reports on plagiarism policies in 27 different European countries, on-line  

Glendinning, I (2013) Comparison of Policies for Academic Integrity in Higher Education across the European Union, on-line  

Glendinning, I. (2013). Comparison of Policies for Academic Integrity in Higher Education across the European Union. Retrieved from EU IPPHEAE CU Survey EU-wide report.pdf . Accessed 06/10/2014.

Orim, S., Davis, J., Borg, E., Glendinning, I. (2013). Exploring Nigerian postgraduate students’ experience of plagiarism: A phenomenographic case study. International Journal of Educational Integrity, Vol. 9, 1st June 2013, pp.20-34.

Cooke, G., Lewis, P. and Glendinning, I., (2014) Evaluating Postgraduate students’ Perceptions of Activity Led Learning: Findings from a longitudinal study, SEFI 42nd Annual Conference, 15-19 September 2014, Birmingham, UK.

Glendinning, I. (2014a). Responses to Student Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe. International Journal for Educational Integrity, Vol 10(1) June 2014 pp. 4-20.

Glendinning, I. (2014b). Assessing maturity of institutional policies for underpinning academic integrity, 6th International Integrity and Plagiarism conference, Sage, Newcastle, 15-18th June 2014.

Glendinning, I. (2014c) Exploring activity led learning in postgraduate taught programmes: TDG report, HEA

Orim, S., Davis, J., Borg, E., Glendinning, I. (2013). Exploring Nigerian postgraduate students’ experience of plagiarism: A phenomenographic case study. International Journal of Educational Integrity, Vol. 9, 1st June 2013, pp.20-34.

Foltynek, T., Glendinning, I. (2014) Impact of Policies for Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe: Results of the Project, International conference in Academic Integrity, Florida, USA February 2014

Foltýnek, T., Kravjar, J., Glendinning, I. (2014) Case Study: Policies, Strategies and Responses to Plagiarism in Slovakia, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 19-25, online ISSN 1803-1617, printed ISSN 2336-2375, doi: 10.7160/eriesj.2014.070104.

Glendinning, I., Lewis, P., Cooke, G., (2016). Implementing Activity Led Learning at masters level in a diverse learning community. Crossing Borders and creating future competences, Laurea Publications, 29th December 2016.

Glendinning, I. (2015b) Prevention and fight against plagiarism: How to set up an institutional response to individual misbehaviour.  Policies in the United Kingdom. International Institute for Educational Policy (IIEP) Policy Forum on Planning Higher Education Integrity. IIEP Paris, 18th – 21st March 2015.

Glendinning, I. (2015c) Promoting Maturity in Policies for Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond, 7th Prague Forum of Council of Europe “Towards a Pan-European Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education, Charles University Prague, 1st-2nd October 2015.

Glendinning, I. (2016a). European Perspectives of Academic Integrity, Bretag, T. (Ed) Handbook of Academic Integrity, Springer Science + Business Media Singapore 2015. DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-079-7_3-2.

Glendinning, I. (2016b) Blogpost on ETICO web site: [Accessed 27/05/2016].

Glendinning, I. , Bertram Gallant, T., Eury, J. (2016) Scorecard for Academic Integrity Development, presentation ICAI Athens conference September 2016.

Glendinning, I. (2016c) Disparities in penalties and practices across the EU for addressing violations to academic integrity, presentation ICAI Athens conference September 2016.

Glendinning, I. (2017) Scorecard for Academic Integrity Development: Benchmarking and evaluating institutional strategies and programs on academic integrity, Conference: Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Across Europe and Beyond, Brno, Czechia 24-26th May 2017.

Foltýnek, T., Dlabolová, D., Glendinning, I., Lancaster, T., Linkeschová, D.(2017a) South East European Project on Policies for Academic Integrity, Project report, commissioned by Council of Europe, April 2017.

Foltýnek, T., Dlabolová, D., Glendinning, I., Lancaster, T., Linkeschová, D.(2017b)SEEPPAI results.  Conference: Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Across Europe and Beyond, Brno, Czechia 24-26th May 2017. 

Razı, S., Glendinning, I, & Foltýnek, T. (Eds.) (2019). Towards consistency and transparency in academic integrity. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. DOI

Glendinning, I., Orim, S., King, A. (2019). Policies and Actions of Accreditation and Quality Assurance Bodies to Counter Corruption in Higher Education, published by CHEA / CIQG 2019. Executive summary, full report and media coverage:

Tauginienė, L, Gaižauskaitė, I, Razi, S, Glendinning, I, Sivasubramaniam, S, Marino, F, Cosentino, M, Anohina-Naumeca, A. Kravjar, J. (2019), Enhancing the Taxonomies Relating to Academic integrity and Misconduct, Journal of Academic Ethics pp 1-17, 8th October 2019: ;

Lancaster, T., Glendinning, I., Foltýnek, T., Dlabolová, D., Linkeschová, D. (2019). The Perceptions of Higher Education Students on Contract Cheating and Educational Corruption in South East Europe. Journal of Educational Thought, Vol 52, No 3 2019, 209-227.

Glendinning, I. (2019). Book Chapter: The role of quality assurance and regulatory organisations to promote academic integrity, Bretag, T. (Ed)., A Research Agenda for Academic Integrity, Bretag, T. (Ed)., Edward Elgar, pp 13-27.

Glendinning, I. (2021). Book review, Integrity in education for future happiness, International Journal for Education Integrity (2021). , 02/04/2021

Glendinning, I. (2021). A multi-pronged approach to deterring contract cheating in online assessment. 25th March 2021. THE Campus.

Draper, M.J., Lancaster, T., Dann, S., Crockett, R., Glendinning, I. (2021) Essay mills and other contract cheating services: to buy or not to buy and the consequences of students changing their minds. International journal for Educational Integrity, Springer Nature, 29th June 2021.

Glendinning, I., Foltýnek, T., Dlabolová, D., Jana Dannhoferová, J., Králíková, V., Michalska, A., Orim, S., Turčínek, P. (2022). Project on Academic Integrity in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Turkey, Council of Europe: ISBN 978-92-871-9111-3

Glendinning, I., Ribiero, L., Sivasubramaniam, S., Ahmed, M. A, Gholami, G., Marar, S.D. (2022). Educating early career researchers on publishing options. IRAFPA, 2022, Coimbra, 18-19th June 2022. pp 299-309.

Glendinning, I. (2022). Academic Integrity: Research from world studies, Chapter 11, Section 3 Social Justice of How world events are changing education, Editors Rosemary Sage and Riccarda Matteucci, Brill Sense, International Publishers, pp 123-137. DOI:

Glendinning, I., Orim, S. (2022). International comparison of institutional strategies and policies for plagiarism and academic integrity: views from students and teachers. ECAIP 2021

Orim, S., Glendinning, I. (2023). Corruption in admissions, recruitment, qualifications and credentials: from research into quality assurance, in Fake Degrees and Fraudulent Credentials in Higher Education, Eaton, S., Carmichael, J., Pethrick, H. (Eds), Springer Nature, Ethics and Integrity in Educational Contexts, Vol 5.

Glendinning, I. (2022). Aligning academic quality and standards with academic integrity. In S. E. Eaton, G. Curtis, B. M. Stoesz, K. Rundle, J. Clare, & J. Seeland (Eds.), Contract cheating in higher education: Global perspectives on theory, practice, and policy. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 199-218. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-12680-2

Glendinning, I., Ribiero, L., Sivasubramaniam, S., Ahmed, M. A, Ghoiami, G., Marar, S.D. (2022). Educating early career researchers on publishing options. IRAFPA, 2022, Coimbra, 18-19th June 2022.

Bjelobaba, S., Foltýnek, T., Glendinning, I., Králíková, V., Dlabolová, D. (Eds) (2023). Academic Integrity: Broadening Practices, Technologies, and the Role of Students. Springer series: Ethics and Education in Educational Contexts, Volume 4, 2nd January 2023.

Glendinning, I., Orim, S.M. (2023). Comparison of Institutional Strategies for Academic Integrity in Europe and Eurasia. Bjelobaba, S., Foltýnek, T., Glendinning, I., Králíková, V., Dlabolová, D. (Eds) (2023). Academic Integrity: Broadening Practices, Technologies, and the Role of Students. Springer series: Ethics and Education in Educational Contexts, Volume 4, January 2023, pp 29-46. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16976-2_3

Glendinning, I. (2023). Educational Integrity in Schools: A Framework for Young Learners. Eaton, S.E., Khan, Z. (Eds) Ethics and Integrity in Teacher Education, Springer (EIEC Volume 3), pp. 161-178. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-16922-9_11

Glendinning, I. (2023). Developing and implementing policies for academic Integrity – management of change. In Curtis, G.J. (Ed), Academic Integrity in the Social Sciences. Springer, Academic Integrity in the Social Sciences, pp. 87-104. eBook ISBN 978-3-031-43292-7, Print ISBN 978-3-031-43291-0, Springer link

Andrews, S., Glendinning, I. (2023). Governing academic integrity: Conceptualizing the assurance and efficacy of strategies and outcomes. Eaton, S. (Ed), Handbook for Academic Integrity, 2nd Edition, Springer, (online copy) pp. 1-32. . Print copy, Vol I, Part VI, Chapter 64, pp.1081-1112.

Glendinning, I., Eaton, S.E., (2023). Understanding and addressing drivers of corruption in academic publishing. Eaton, S.E, (Ed). Handbook of Academic Integrity, 2nd Edition, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-079-7_146-1 , print copy, Vol II, Part VIII, chapter 83, pp. 1403-1422.

Peters, M., Glendinning, I., Jamieson, S. (2023). Designing International Research to Promote Academic integrity: From Funding to Educating. Eaton, S. Ed. Handbook of Academic Integrity, 2nd Edition. Springer, June 2023. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-287-079-7_159-1, print copy, Vol II, Part X, Chapter 100, pp. 1707-1722.

Foltýnek, T., Glendinning, I. (2023). European Cooperation in Academic Integrity. Eaton, S. (Ed), Handbook for Academic Integrity, 2nd Edition, Springer. (online) DOI: …, Print edition, Volume I, Part VI, Chapter 60, pp. 1001-1016.

Glendinning, I. (2023). Linking Quality, Standards and Integrity. Eaton, S. (Ed), Handbook for Academic Integrity, 2nd Edition, Springer. (on-line) June 2023., print edition, Volume I, Part VI, Chapter 50, pp. 815-824

Foltýnek, T., Bjelobaba, S., Glendinning, I., Khan, Z., Santos, R., Kravjar, J. (2023). ENAI Recommendation on the Ethical use of Artificial Intelligence in Education, Editorial in International Journal of Educational Integrity, Published April 2023, Springer.

Glendinning, I. (2024). Detecting is just the start, deciding whether to take action and generating evidence is harder. In Saadia Mahmud, Academic Integrity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, IGI Global eEditorial Discovery. Forthcoming.

Glendinning, I. (2024). Addressing systemic forms of corruption affecting educational standards and quality. Handbook on Corruption in Higher Education, editors Elena Denisova-Schmidt, Philip G. Altbach, and Hans de Wit, forthcoming 2024.

Contributions to case studies, reports, articles

Porter, A.(2012) Report on the Meaningful Student Engagement Project, Higher Education Academy (accessed 3rd February 2015).

Broughan, C. (2010) Coventry University – Improving the degree of attainment of black and minority ethnic students, Coventry_BME_Reflective Paper

HEA (2012) Impact Study: Introducing Activity-led Learning in postgraduate Engineering Programmes

IIEP & CIQG (2016). Advisory Statement for Effective International Practice Combatting Corruption and Enhancing Integrity: A Contemporary Challenge for the Quality and Credibility of Higher Education. IIEP / UNESCO, CHEA, CIQG. Available online at: [Accessed 09/11/2016].

O’Malley, B. (2017) What are QA bodies doing to tackle academic corruption? University World News 6th October 2017

O’Malley, B. (2018) The digital revolution in cheating has already begun. World University News. 7th July 2018, issue 513.

QAA (2017). Contracting to Cheat in Higher Education

Foltýnek, T., Dlabolová, D., Glendinning, I., Lancaster, T., Linkeschová, D.(2018). ETINED - Council of Europe Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education - Volume 5 - South East European Project on Policies for Academic Integrity Council of Europe.

McKie, A (2018). There’s clearly a demand, there’s clearly a supply. Times Higher Education, 13-19th Sept 2018 pp 36-41.

BBC News 14th Dec 2018, Branwen Jeffreys: Cheating university students face FBI-style crackdown.

Unglesbee, B. (2019). Report: Higher ed corruption is a global problem. Education Dive, 8th April 2019.

O’Malley, B. (2019). Call to fight the spread of corruption in HE globally. University World News. 13th April 2019.

McKie, A. (2019). Global corruption in HE going unchecked. Times Higher Education, 25th April 2019, P16.

Whitworth, D. (2019). Do 1 in 7 students really cheat? The Times 12th March 2019, T2 pages 2-3.

McKie, A. (2019). Just another pair of eyes, or a means to plagiarise? 13th June 2019, Times Higher Education, p16.

CHEA/CIQG (2019). Combatting Academic Corruption and Enhancing Integrity: Inventory of Key Questions for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Organizations.

Interests/other activities


Secretary Rugby Archaeological Society (RAS) since 1992

Publisher and editor archaeological publications and journal articles

Regular presentations and lectures to archaeological societies and history groups

British Archaeological Awards (BAA):

1994 Pitt Rivers Award RAS Highly Commended

2004 Pitt Rivers Award RAS Winner

Invited speaker British Museum February 2006 for launch of 2006 BAA awards

Painting and drawing: On-glaze china painting, water colours, oils, book illustrations

Travel, Gardening, grandchildren

 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Logo
University of the year shortlisted
QS Five Star Rating 2023