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Peter Every


Peter is Associate Head of Computing as well as a Principal Lecturer and Course Leader for the Creative Computing Pathway course. He graduated with a first class honours degree in Communication Studies in 1995 and obtained an MA with distinction in Media and Cultural theory in 1996, both at Coventry University. After teaching in both the communication studies and information design departments at Coventry he moved to his present post in September 2000. Peter co-ordinated the DfEE-funded National Information Design Network from 1996 until 1999.

He has recently completed an IPED Research scholarship investigating the usability of discussion forums in an academic context and is now engaged in investigating the use of social networking and Web 2.0 tools in teaching and learning and is also a founder member of the Interactive Worlds Applied Research Group.

Selected Outputs

  • Anderson, A., Every, P., Halloran, J., Lane, R., Liarokapis, F., Peters, C., Richards, M., and Shuttleworth, J. (2012) 'An Activity-Led Introduction to Creative Computing with Interactive Computer Graphics'. Computer Graphics Forum 31 (6), 1852-1866.
  • Iqbal, R., Payne, L., James, A., Every, P., and Odetayo, M. (2011) 'Web 2.0 Support for Activity Led Learning in Computer Science'. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence.
  • Shuttleworth, J., Every, P., Anderson, E., Halloran, J., Peters, C., and Liarokapis, F. (2010) 'Press play: an experiment in creative computing using a novel pedagogic approach'. AngloHigher 2 (1),23-24
  • Every, P. (2010) Press Play: A six week experiment in integrative project based learning
  • Bhula, I., and Every, P. (2007) 'Identifying Non-Functional Factors Affecting Student Participation In Discussion Boards for Online Learning'. Proceedings of the Second International iPED conference: Researching Academic Futures, 'Second International iPED conference: Researching Academic Futures'. Held 10-11 Sep 2007 in Coventry, UK.
  • Every, P., and Hill, V.A. (2004) 'Film and Postmodernism'. In The Routledge Companion to Postmodern Thought. Ed. by Sim, S. London: Routledge, 101-112
  • Dwivedi, A., Bali, R., Belsis, M., Naguib, R.N.G., Every, P., and Nassar, N.S. (2003) 'Towards a practical healthcare information security model for healthcare institutions'. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine (ITAB 2003), 'ITAB 2003'. Held 24-26 Apr 2003 in Birmingham, UK. 114-117
  • Condos, C., James, A.E., Every, P., and Simpson, T. (2002) 'Ten Usability Principles for the Development of Effective WAP and M-commerce Services'. Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives 54 (6), 345-355
  • Condos, C., James, A., Every, P., and Simpson, T. (2002) 'Ten usability principles for the development of effective WAP and m-commerce services'. ASLIB proceedings, 54 (6), 'Translating and the computer 24'. Held 21-22 Nov 2002 in London, UK.
  • Every, P., and Hill, V.A. (1998) 'Postmodernism and the Cinema'. In The Icon Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought. London: ICON, 101-112

Selected Funding

  • 2009, CILASS/Inquiry Based Learning, Creative Development Activity Case Study, £2,550
  • 2007, Pedagogical Research Scholarship Award, iPED research Network, £10,000

Selected Professional Activities

  • External examiner: Multimedia MSc at Swansea University
  • External examiner: Computing and Multimedia, Middlesex University
  • 2010: Invited subject expert. ‘Benchmarking for Learning by Developing’ Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland
  • 2010: External validation panel. BA Interactive Digital Media and BSc Multimedia. Swansea Metropolitan University
  • 2010: External Course validation: MSc in Digital Media Production, Brighton University
  • 2010: Conference Program Committee Member. HCI 2010 'Play is a Serious Business' University of Abertay, UK
  • 2010: Workshop leader: Exploring engagement in the absence of assessment
  • 2010: Peer Reviewer. 5th International Inquiring Pedagogies Conference. Coventry University
  • External Subject Advisor in Creative and Games Computing - Foundation Degree Course
  • 2009: Validation for Wolverhampton University and NEW College Bromsgrove
  • 2009: Program Committee. HCI 2009 conference, Cambridge
  • 2009: Peer reviewer, iPED 2009 conference, Coventry
  • 2007: Invited Book proposal reviewer for Wiley publishers


  • Usability and UCD
  • Digital Media Technology

Senior Lecturer, Programme Manager for Degrees in Creative Computing

Engineering and Computing Building

Room: EC3-06 Email:

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