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Dr. Paul Gower

Senior Lecturer in Finance

Course Director MSc Banking and Finance

School of Economics, Finance and Accounting
Faculty of Business and Law


LinkedIn Profile 


At present I am a Senior Lecturer in Finance and Course Director for the MSc Banking and Finance degree. I currently teach undergraduate modules in the Economics of Banking and Finance, Advanced Issues in Banking and Financial Regulation as well as a postgraduate module in Banking Regulation and Governance.

Prior to Coventry University I was a senior adviser at the independent economics consultancy, Oxera ,where I advised on a number of projects in the areas of financial sector reform and the design of regulatory structures for both UK and overseas public and private sector clients. I have also worked in fund management and investment banking as well as the Financial Services Authority (now the Financial Conduct Authority). In addition, I spent two years on secondment as an Economic Adviser in the Corporate Law and Governance Directorate of the former Department of Trade and Industry. I have also held lecturing positions at the Universities of Brighton, Oxford Brookes and Lancaster.

  • DPhil Economics, University of Sussex, 1997.
  • MA Economics, University of Sussex, 1992.
  • BSc Economics, University of Bath, 1979.
Research interests

My main research interests are centred on the changing role and impact of financial regulation on the banking sector in particular. 

Research projects

At present I am involved in three main projects:

With a colleague I am undertaking an externally funded project to assess the content of regulatory announcements in the early stages of the financial crisis and their impact on market confidence.

I am also undertaking on-going analysis of the relationship between financial regulation and corporate governance in emerging markets.

Finally, I am part of a team supervising a Doctoral student whose research is focussed on an analysis of the strategies used to restore trust in the UK banking sector. This is part of a broader assessment of the impact of trust restoration and cultural change in the banking industry and financial regulation.


Teaching modules


  • Advanced Issues in Banking
  • Economics of Banking and Finance
  • Financial Regulations


  • Bank Regulation and Governance
Areas of expertise
  • Banking
  • Financial Regulation
  • Corporate Governance
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