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Dr Eno Maycock

Senior Lecturer in HRM and CPD & External Programme Co-ordinator

School of Marketing and Management
Faculty of Business and Law



Dr Eno Maycock is a senior lecturer and is the CPD and External Programmes Co-ordinator within the School of Marketing and Management. I have expertise in the area of consultancy, leadership, Performance/Reward Management and International reward practices. I have delivered a number of leadership programmes for private and public sector clients which include UK Civil Service (DWP), Bank of Ireland, The Nigerian Civil Service (MDG), The National University of Singapore, Scottish Police Authority, National Trust for Scotland (Scottish Heritage), Coventry University HR team and designed and delivered a number of Management programmes and a new reward scheme for Standard Guardian Group of companies which operates in 4 countries in Africa. I have extensive experience lecturing in Human Resource Management with specific research interest in Reward/Performance Management, Leadership and IHRM and WLB.

  • 2003-2007 University of Bedfordshire, England - Ph.D. Human Resource Management.
  • 2000-2002 Luton Business School, The University of Luton, England - M.Sc Human Resource Management.
  • 2001-2009 Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, England - Chartered Member

Dr Eno Maycock’s research is an attempt to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of the implementation of Strategic Reward within a business context. More broadly, my research interests include linkages between performance and business success with a focus on talent management and Performance Related Pay, International Reward Management Practices and their impact on ethics and employee wellbeing, Leadership Development, Performance Management practices, the socio-cultural context of doing business, Culture and its impact on Strategic Human Resource practices in different contexts. I am also involved in the design and evaluation of reward schemes for organisations. Most recently, Eno’s research focus is embedded within public sector reward reforms in multi-cultural contexts.

Outputs and Publications
  • Maycock, E., and Clarke, L. (2016) ‘Re-evaluating the Relevance of Service Related Pay in a 21st Century Context’. The International Journal of Business and Management. 4 (6), 371-376. Available from
  • Maycock, E., Allaputa, E., Chikafa, S., Geraghty, R., And Waripanye, G. (2015) ‘PM to HRM: Rebranding or a New Label?’ IOSR Journal of Business and Management 17 (6), 14-21. Available from 
  • Maycock, E., and Amasi, O. (2015) ‘Examining the Link between Psychological Contract Violation and Employee Commitment: A study of a Nigerian Mortgage Bank’. Research Journal of Social Science and Management 4 (9), 216 - 228. Available from 
  • Maycock, E., and Olaniyan, O. (2015) ‘Examining the Perceived Effectiveness of E-Learning in BR Academy, UK’. Research Journal of Social Science and Management. 4 (9), 229 - 237.
  • Maycock, E., Ikuomola and Johnson (2015) Managing Employee Reward: Implementing Competency Based Pay As An Alternative To Seniority Based Pay. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Management.
Teaching Modules
  • M21HRM - Reward Management
  • M11HRM - Human Resource Management (MBA group)
  • M06HRM - Leading, Managing and developing people
  • M52HRM - Managing and Rewarding Performance
  • 306HRM - Strategic Reward Management
Areas of Expertise
  • Strategic Reward Management
  • Performance Management
  • General Human Resource Management
  • Leading, managing and developing people
  • International Human Resource Management Practices
  • Performance Pay, Ethics and Employee Well-being
  • Research Methods
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