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Dr. Alaa Alhaj Ismail

Lecturer in Accounting

School of Economics, Finance and Accounting 
Coventry Business School
Faculty of Business and Law 



I joined Coventry Business School in 2016. Before joining Coventry University, I worked at the University of Essex, Anglia Ruskin University, and Alfanar Construction Co. I obtained both my Masters in Accounting and Finance and PhD in Accounting at University of Essex. I teach subjects in financial reporting, corporate governance, and management accounting. My research interests are in comparative financial reporting and corporate governance, voluntary disclosure in financial reporting and Accounting education. I am a member of the European Accounting Associations and the British Accounting and Finance Association.


  • PhD in Accounting, University of Essex.
  • Accounting and Finance MSc, (Distinction), University of Essex.

Research interests

My current research interest lies within financial accounting and corporate governance. In particular I am interested in the following research areas:

  • Market-based accounting research
  • Market-based corporate governance research
  • Financial reporting and Corporate disclosure policy
  • Financial reporting of Share-option based compensation
  • Executive remuneration

Current Research projects

  • The pricing of share-based compensation and major shareholders of European financial firms during the recent crisis. With Stittle, J., Adwan,, S., and Halabi, H.
  • The Valuation Differences Between equity and cash settled based compensation schemes for U.K. Firms. With Adwan, S.
  • Earnings Predictability, Shared-based Compensations, and Corporate governance: Some Evidence from UK firms. With Adwan. S., and Halabi, H.
  • Major Customers, Accounting Information Quality, and the Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from UK firms. With Halabi, H., and Adwan, S.

Recent outputs and publications

  • Alhaj Ismail, A., Stittle, J., and Zakaria, I. (2015) ‘Voluntary versus mandatory reporting of Share-Based Payments and the level of investor protection: An analysis of the EU and US banking sectors’. 38th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association. Held 28 - 30 April 2015 in Glasgow, UK. 
  • Alhaj Ismail, A., and Stittle, J. (2014) ‘Evaluating the impact of mandatory expensing of “the Sheer Greed” of share based payments: evidence from the EU and US banking sectors’. 37th Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association. Held 21 – 23 May 2014 in Tallinn, Estonia.

Teaching modules

  • Accounting Fundamental, A and B
  • Management accounting for business decisions
  • Accounting for Business Managers
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