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Extending your master’s with a work placement option

Extending your master’s with a work placement option

Coventry University understands the potential benefit that a professional work placement could have to your future employability.

The College of Engineering, Environment and Science have added a ‘work placement’ option to a range of master’s programmes, providing you with the opportunity to add a 11-12 months’ work placement to your one year master’s programme.

With the support of our Talent Team, during your first semester we can help you to identify, prepare and apply for a range of 11-12 month work placement opportunities. If you are successful in securing a work placement, you would then begin your work placement during semester three, as the table below shows.

Semester MSc without work placement pathway MSc with work placement pathway
Semester one core modules core modules
Semester two core modules core modules
Semester three core modules and individual project work placement
Semester four   work placement
Semester five   work placement
Semester six   core modules and individual project

Further information

  • The placement year will incur an additional fee of £4000, to be invoiced separately only when your placement is secured and tier 4 visa extended if required.
  • The placement fee is invoiced once students return from placement, which is semester 6 and paid before they leave. This applies to all students, regardless of their fee status and placement location.
  • Placement opportunities may be subject to additional costs, visa requirements being met and subject to availability and/or competitive application.
  • Work placements are not guaranteed and you will be responsible for securing your own work placement, however you will benefit from the support of our Talent Team in trying to identify an opportunity.
  • If you change your mind or are unable to secure a placement, you can still complete your master’s in the first year.
  • Master’s courses with the ‘work placement’ option are available to UK, EU and international students.
  • Master’s courses with the ‘work placement’ option are designed to be fully Student Visa Compliant.
  • The normal duration for a placement year is 9-12 months, most companies offer a 12 month contract. The minimum duration for student Route Visa holders is 11 months in line with the International Student Compliance (ISC) regulations.
  • Work placement modules take place in semester's three to five and are structured with clearly defined professional and academic learning outcomes.
  • During your placement, you will be supported and mentored by a dedicated academic supervisor as the Talent Team.
  • Students are required to successfully pass semesters one and two (without the need for resits) in order to start a placement.

What are the key dates?

The below table provides an outline of the key timeframes for starting and returning from placement.

Key dates September Cohort January Cohort May Cohort
Student work placement offer deadline Mid-March Mid-July Mid-November
Student available to start work placement Mid-May (start of Semester 3) Mid-September (start of Semester 3) Mid-January (start of Semester 3
Student to return to Coventry University to complete final semester May the following year September the following year January the following year

Please note that the timeframes outlined in the table above are subject to vary and change. Specific dates are provided via the Talent Team in Semester one.

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