HDRC: Co-creating training opportunities to involve people in research

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Wednesday 13 March 2024

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM


Council House, Committee Room 3 Earl Street Coventry CV1 5RR



Event details

Coventry City Council is home to a newly establishing research collaboration, working with collaborators from our local universities in Coventry and Warwick and voluntary and community organisations in the city. The goal of the Coventry Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC) is to improve our understanding about how different factors impact our lives and health, including the environments where we live, our housing, jobs, education, and early years experiences. We need to involve organisations and the public in our work to achieve this.

The Coventry HDRC are working with Coventry University to develop a “community researchers” course. This course will run later in the year for members of the public and voluntary and community organisations. The course will provide training and support for participants to conduct a piece of research in their own communities.

We are looking for people working in voluntary and community organisations who might want to help design this training. This will help make sure the training is accessible, useful, and interesting when it is delivered later in the year.

The HDRC team are running an interactive workshop for staff from voluntary and community organisations, to come and learn about the HDRC and help design this training course.

To book your place, please contact CoventryHDRC@coventry.gov.uk.