Use Your Heart to Play a Game: Playtesting event

cardia game
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Wednesday 23 August 2023

12:00 PM - 03:00 PM


Institute for Creative Cultures

Event details


The Ludic Design team at the Centre for Post-digital Cultures are collaborating with researchers from Manchester Metropolitan University, Dr. John Henry and Connah Kendrick, on a research project that aims to add fun to exercise. Selected participants will come and play a game, where the game mechanics can be affected by the participants’ heart rate.

This playtesting will help the research team understand the effectiveness of the technology they use and the game they have developed.

Participants will be asked to complete a couple of questionnaires and play a game that will see them run on the spot as they raise their heart rate in a bid to escape the evil slime monsters! Participants will be over 18 and do not have any heart rate conditions.

'Use your heart to play a game!' poster