Whiteness: issues of allyship

magnifying glass focusing on several sports
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Wednesday 12 May 2021

01:00 PM - 02:00 PM


MS Teams



The racialization of sports and other spaces of leisure

For 8 years, following a 30-year stint in Physical Education teaching and the commercial sports sector, Steve Raven's research has focused on the critical and instrumental features of addressing racism using the concept of systemic whiteness.

Systemic whiteness is used as an umbrella term which encompasses a variety of features which enact racism through a paradigm of dominant power; it draws on white fragility (DiAngelo 2011), white privilege (McIntosh 1988), white supremacy (Gillborn 2005) and whiteness as property (Harris 1993).

The idea of being better or important is embodied by whiteness; which develops as an internal truth before we are consciously aware, it goes unchallenged, and it is engrained as an identity (Saad 2020).

Developing the concept of systemic whiteness reframes critical whiteness studies, challenges current terminology and specifically introduces the notion of whiteness as a damaged brand.

Using physical education and community sports as examples of racialized social spaces, the presentation will examine step by step why whiteness threatens allyship, constrains learning and restricts community participation. 

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